Hi guys, today I want to start a challenge for my self as a logo designer. The challenge so called #30DaysLogoChallenge is where I willl try to make a logo a day for 30 days straight. - duh -
I did this mostly for practice and hobby, and I don't want to push myself. So, I will try to make simple logo that roughly will only take an hour to make.
For the the first day. I did a logo for a fictional company 'Bucket Check', it is an online platform where you can share and get advice for your life goals and dreams.
The style of the logo that I made is still 'thick lines' (I love this style). I try to keep it as clean as possible as I avoided too many elements crowded in the logomark.
The combination between the logomark and the logotype is on point, I think. Slightly rounded corner logotype fits perfectly with a friendly logomark.
So that's it guys. I hope you enjoy it. Can't wait to share another logo. :)
If you need a logo design you can contact me at danielyovanda@gmail.com or just leave a comment bellow