I have never heard of a country/ kingdom under a just and generous rule outside the realm of Religious and Cultural literature- much of which can not be backed by facts or recorded history. Nevertheless the Concepts are Universal- This is another mystery. Why is it so? When cultural diaspora is so varied why do all societies yearn for justice??
Some of the most equitable societies in history that spring to mind are,
Cyrus the great (Iran 530 BCE) wiki
Though it is generally believed that Zarathushtra's (Zoroastrian) teachings maintained influence on Cyrus's acts and policies, so far no clear evidence has been found to indicate that Cyrus practiced a specific religion.
The Cyrus Cylinder is often cited as one of the earliest known declarations of human rights.
Origin of the RULE-OF-LAW (Iraq 2350 BCE) wiki
The reforms of Urukagina of Lagash, the earliest known legal code (ca. 2350 BC), is often thought to be an early example of reform.
Author Marilyn French wrote that the discovery of penalties for adultery for women but not for men represents "the first written evidence of the degradation of women".[6][7]
Interesting side-note, the definition of "adultery" in the time of Christ applied exclusively to married women who were unfaithful to their husbands. A married man who slept with an unmarried woman was not punishable under the law.
The oldest legal codex extant today is the Neo-Sumerian Code of Ur-Nammu (ca. 2050 BC) [The Biblical Abraham was from the land-of-Ur]. Several other sets of laws were also issued in Mesopotamia, including the Code of Hammurabi (ca. 1780 BC), one of the most famous examples of this type of document. It shows rules, and punishments if those rules are broken, on a variety of matters, including women's rights, men's rights, children's rights and slave rights.
Mesopotamia is the present-day area of parts of Iraq, Kuwait, Syria, Turkey and Iran.
Now with that short history lesson, let's unpack our Question #1:
I have never heard of...
This is a classic appeal to ignorance.
...a country/ kingdom under a just and generous rule...
Please define "just" and please define "generous" and please explain if and or how you think they are related.
...outside the realm of Religious and Cultural literature- much of which can not be backed by facts or recorded history.
So you have heard tales of a just and generous rule in literature? Which sources do you find particularly credible/incredible?
Nevertheless the Concepts are Universal-
Are they? Isn't this a bald assertion? There are a shocking number of well educated people even today who choose to live in less fair and less tolerant societies. For example, In the UAE, 77% of girls enter colleges and make up 75% of the total number of students at the University of Al Ain. * And yet, somehow, still choose to live in what many people would call an obviously unfair and unjust society.
This is another mystery. Why is it so? When cultural diaspora is so varied why do all societies yearn for justice??
All humans (mammals) are inculcated with a basic value hierarchy from birth.
(1) Protect yourself
(2) Protect your close friends and family
(3) Protect your territory
Your relationship with your parents is your model for your gods.
That's why gods are most often portrayed as king-sided-humans.
Your KING is modeled after your eldest sibling who's left in charge while your parents are away.
They continuously warn, don't make the gods mad! Do what I say or else they'll punish you!
Each of us devise our own strategies to accomplish these (3) primary-goals and juggle these power-models.
Many if not most of these strategies involve disregarding and or violating the rights of our competitors.
We like to call this NATURAL-LAW.
Without some mechanism to defend the defenseless, then AUTOCRACY (FASCISM) is inevitable.
The biggest proponents of ANARCHISM are the rich and powerful.
If you are pro-anarchism (Autarchism/Voluntarism/Minarchism) and you are NOT rich and powerful, then you have been BRAINWASHED.
Types and varieties of Anarchism: link
This post is an official entry for a contest posted by @sarez

Your scathing critique is requested.
Something I found interesting years ago when I was searching religions, Cyrus, despite being a non Jew, was considered the anointed of God. Where this gets interesting is the title Christ means to be anointed. I guess I found that interesting on two levels. One being that the word Christ is not significant to only Jesus, the other being the idea that Jewish people would consider someone non Jewish to be anointed. Sorry I was compelled to mention it, not every day I see someone mentioning Cyrus.
On anarchy, I see many drawbacks. There are some here on Steemit who have exposed me to it more, but they believe it is interchangeable with everything being voluntary. Which in my eyes already is, if one is willing to take upon their shoulders the burden of a thing.
I forgot to mention, salvation means simply "to apply salve".
Thanks for your thoughtful comment. It is interesting that "christ" simply means "anointed one". It's also interesting that re-ligion means to re-bind, re-connect, to tie-together. * Similarly, facism comes from Italian fascio "group, association," literally "bundle," from Latin fasces. *
Anarchy only sounds like a good idea if you are well defended. Those with power like to blame the powerless for their misfortune. POOR = BAD. The gods must favor the rich because they are better than everyone else. This is what anarchy leads to, The Origin of Law
I am writing this after speed reading less than half of this post. One thing is clear- I got you thinking!
I will write again after I actually go thru the post!
Many Thanks for participating and see you soon.
OK I am still reading But this is just remark on the universality of Justice as a virtue. People are living in places where they have to face all sorts of bias and inequity. But when asked for opinion everyone will be wanting to be treated fairly- except those who want to take advantage of others i.e. the opperssors
And even the oppressors have arguments about why they deserve more. i.e. they justify their deeds.
Another point- take folk tales from any corner of the world. Justice is always lauded and many times references to divine justice will find their way into the stories.
Any human society - however small, can not be cohesive without some rules. And laws based on justice seem more normal than those of Anarchism.
Further going into this will raise the question of Freedom of choice and that's a whole new chapter.
The Cyrus Cylinder - Is it a religious codicil?
The code of Hammurabi is a set of rules not truly just. OK but were they not advocating justice? It only goes to show the men who wrote those laws were not perfect.
Excellent point. Although you are forgetting about the oppressed people who are convinced that they deserve to be oppressed. Some, like in the Hindu caste system, believe the gods have set the order of society for very good reasons and therefore there is no need for them to revolt (and if they are really good and do their jobs with humility, they may be rewarded in the next life).
I agree. Although the main problem I see is with the lack of logical-coherence between laws within the same framework. What we need to expose are the legal AXIOMS. People are too eager to codify laws that merely have intuitive resonance.
If I'm not rich and powerful then I must be for; big governments, authoritarianism collectivism, mob rule, communism, socialism or any other form of statism?
Or else I'm brainwashed?
Who makes people defenseless first, forces them under threat of voilence (and use of violence if they do not obey and bow) to "buy" protection (defense) from the same armed attacker?
Thank you for your thoughtful and insightful reply.
Eliminating (or shrinking) the government only helps the Corporate Warlords.
Government is not pro personal sovereignty or privacy or property.If it would be it would not do all the things it does and leave people in peace. Government tells you what to do and what not to do and if you don't you get thrown into a cage. If I would do the same the government does to you, you would see me for what I am, (not pro or anti all those things you say) you would see me as a tyrant not a servant or someone respecting your "rights".
Government is the biggest warlord there is. It creates those corporations with it's "legal system" while pretending to save you from the corporations (they are in bed with each other.)
Eliminating (or shrinking) the government only helps the Corporate Warlords.
With a toothless government, the fat-cats run rampant.
Check your history books.
The boldknobbers are the same as government/mafia/kings/slaveholdersand all other criminals and tyrants who force their opinion/beliefs/Ideology on others with violence. Who rob steal and murder under the guise of protecting or caring
I agree 100%.
Now, how exactly are you going to protect yourself and your family and your land from them?
Maybe you can think about that question yourself for a while. How to defend yourself, friends and family neighbours, without becoming an attacker yourself. There lies the solution.
"Demanding" an answer from me is not the way to go. I don't know how you would be protected best. And I don't pretend to know and become a politician, lie to you to make you belief I protect you while at the same time I'm bossing you around, robbing stealing and murdering. I would be a hypocrite and an attacker. You see the crux? People believe that the people bossing them around, stealing from them, are their servants. It's a giant lie learned in the schools media and society in general. We are, when we are still indoctrinated by the warlords, slaves in body and mind and we believe they are some kind of benevolent institution or system. Once you see the religion/cult you're indoctrinated in for what it is you can not go back to believing in it, It would be the same as trying to believe in santa claus again, it is just not possible to go back to believing lies and untruths.
I don't know if you are familiar with the book The most dangerous superstition but it might help undoctrinate (I call it lol) people out of the cult, and the more there are the less grip the tyrants thiefs murderer psycho's in this world have. They will not go away but their victims will not believe they are morally obligated to obey them and go and kill rob and steal for them.
I realize however that the undoing from the indoctrination is a slow process think about how hard it is to undo indoctrination from other cults.
It is however not impossible.
Thanks for the conversation. Peace.