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RE: Lockdown In Cape Town Day 96 - Judiciary Has Failed

in #lockdown5 years ago

The only assistance you can provide to them as won't help themselves is to be secure and prepared when they realize they need to help themselves.

When the state collapses and rabid mobs destroy everything in their path, only secure locales will not be destroyed. After that outbreak of destruction, the mobs will disintegrate into autophagy, and then they will self destruct.

There may be survivors that aren't nothing but predators, or those that seek to survive such cannibalism (not a euphemism) without resorting to cannibalism. With extreme care, provided sufficient resources to grow, secure communities might provide refuge for survivors.

The critical resource will be security, followed by food. After the violence of the collapse is spent, careful growth will enable rational society to replace the parasitic society that has destroyed itself.

You can establish your own security. You cannot enable others to secure themselves if they don't. You can't provide security from such mobs alone. Communities supporting each other in the provision of security and other critical resources are the only thing that will enable the coming total destruction of the extant infrastructure and society.