Lockdown 3.0

in #lockdown4 years ago

Happy Monday everyone - I normally write these on a Sunday and realised that I had completely forgot at about 3am this morning 🤣

Just over a week down in the new year and also a week down of the our wonderful 'Lockdown 3.0'
How has this week been for me... well there isn't much that we can do anyway and in addition the schools have now been closed which means that I am also working from home.

How did I fill my week then? Half of my lessons that I would normally teach at home were done online as live lessons. For PE this can be a challenge - but my groups showed me a lot of engagement in the fact that they showed up (how much of the activity they did I am still debating - for some I think they just logged on and sat on their beds listening)!
Whilst it is great to be engaging with my students and hearing that they are enjoying the lessons - it is hard to be motivating and enthusiastic as I am pretty much just looking at a screen with a bunch of circles with their initials in them. 🤦‍♀

Aside from my live PE lessons, I have also decided to get back online and deliver my fitness classes online - so I am also now doing 2 Body Combat sessions online.


It is so great to see their faces and smiles. Grant it, we have that love-hate relationship... they hate me for doing this to them, but they also love me for the fact that they feel great after it 😁
It is not as great as being there in the studio in person with them and feeling the vibe, but I feel so buzzed and happy when I do these because it's just a nice way to be able to see them all - and get a good workout in as well.

The rest of my time is being occupied by getting out and getting a walk done. Now we are only allowed out of the house once a day for exercise so I try and make the most of it. It may be cold and frosty - but I don't care - in fact, I think that it looks rather pretty...


I'm not sure if anyone else living in the UK will agree, but I am finding some of the rules rather unclear and in some cases contradicting.
I saw a report on Friday that mentioned 2 women being fined £200 for travelling 5 miles from their home to go for a walk. According to the rules, you are allowed to travel for exercise, and meet 1 person not in your household or bubble, but they ask that you stay within your local area.
The part that you can't find any answers to is; how far would they consider 'local area'.
The reason I am mentioning this is that I had arranged to meet one of my good friends on Saturday for a walk at Bradgate Park. This is just over 5 miles from me, but I personally would class it as my local area because it is still in Leicestershire.


EVERYONE (well unless they live in the village) drives here... and the car park was packed with a load of people making their way to have a walk, run or cycle around the park.
The other point that interested me in the report about the fining of the 2 women was that they were also fined because they were walking with a coffee - and this was considered as 'having a picnic' 🤔
Anyway - back to Bradgate Park... ALL of the tea rooms (both inside and just outside the park) were open and pretty much EVERYONE was walking around with a cup of something.

I just don't get it to be honest - I'm not writing this on here to moan or point fault - I just don't understand what is considered local area for one thing... and how those 2 women were at fault for also walking around with a coffee!
Please comment below your thoughts - I am genuinely intrigued!

Well - that is what my weeks are and will be for the next month or so... live lessons, online workouts and walks!

See you again next week... but for now - just one more picture of Bradgate Park 😃


Have a great week x