Loathing Weakness: Bending over Backwards never pleases the Devil

in #loathing6 years ago

What's going on with global relational interaction may appears a bit chaotic. Like the old proverbial saying: Friends are hard to find.

The present status of global relationships exhibits a thread enmity like never before where supposed friends (nations) are attacking friends at least in the sense of blatantly disagreeing. Yet, whether the latter is true or not, one thing is for certain, the principles of powerful democratic nations are being challenged like never before by their own allies.

No one wants to admit it, but is in denial concerning evidential erosion of the supposed democracies in the world order - but there is a strong argument (clear and present danger) that the politics of one man is shaking things up - globally.

The President of the United States of America, Donald Trump, is an animal that world leaders (even if reluctantly) are moving closer to tolerating - better. If only they were all like the Israel and its leader, Benjamin Netanyahu maybe they would be the apple of Trump's eyes - but they are not.

Though these nations publicly confess to have a unbreakable bond etched in stone and binded with democracy; and are manifested through historical alliances like NATO, WTO, UN and the G7, they are really nations that are loathed by Trump because they are being perceived weak.

Hence, the more they try to appease the man, the more he responds with antagonistic gestures.

It's immaterial whether Trump is sociopathic or crazy because what really matters is that he was elected as President of the singular superpower in the world today. To have good relationship with the US, one must have one with its wayward leader - and because of this conundrum, there is much fear and gnashing of teeth.

Let's just take a look at a partial list some of the disruptive and unthinkable actions that Trump has unilaterally (barely in office for over a year) taken to to prick the nerves of his global partners and others who try to co-exist in the world.

Unilaterally Moving the Capital of Israel of Jerusalem from Tel Aviv
This move was considered blasphemy by many (except for Israel), and anathea o he local Palestinian occupants in the West Bank and Gaza. Before the move, any nations literally begged that this action not to be taken.

The English BBC reported world dismay: "US President Donald Trump's decision to recognise Jerusalem as Israel's capital and move the US embassy there from Tel Aviv has been met with a wave of disapproval.

Leaders from within the Arab and Muslim worlds, and from the wider international community, were swift to criticise the move. Some warned of the potential for violence and bloodshed as a result...". (https://www.bbc.com/news/world-middle-east-42250340).

Of course Arab and Muslim nations were livid: "President Abbas warned of the dangerous consequences such a decision would have to the peace process and to the peace, security and stability of the region and of the world," Nabil Abu Rudeina, the Palestinian president's spokesperson, said in a statement after Trump's call (Al Jazeera).

The Unilateral Decision to Leave the JCPOA Nuclear Agreement
Was another 'in your face' bombshell where loathing of other nations reached a crescendo of alarm. They literally begged Trump to reconsider to no effect. While he damages are still being assessed, once again, the remaining partners (except two - more on that later) have devolved into powerless onlookers, unable to stand against the illegal unilateral directive. The same remaining partners are conspicuously changing their narratives as they coward to accommodate the assault. Their spinelessness seems unparalleled, and they are very loathed by the despenser of chaos.

The devil has no mercy. The more you beg, he more he continues to heap coal on your heads. This is indeed the scenario that we are experiencing as Trump heaps coal on the heads of, whom he would likely call "losers".

The 'coal' is coming in diverse forms: trade war; sanctioning of allies; perpetual bullying; rebellions at the world body (UN); embellishing the apartheid nation of Israel.

Imagine a hypothetical scenario where the fake victims are crying for mercy, and there is no mercy to be found because the same nations crying are loathed by the person wheeling the power. They can't even save themselves, less more other lesser nations that depend on her leadership. Presently, countries like Iran is in a lurch because of this cowardness; Syria continues to be under siege; Yemen is being destroyed; refugees are being left at sea to die.

While many of these disparaging acts of chaos can be easily designated as a one-man 'wrecking ball', one must not cross the rubicon of illusion in this aspect as their are takers in (all you need is one) in each of the victim nations to get the ball rolling.

Once again, I opine that the source of all the spinelessness is cowardiceness and the fear of one man who leads the worlds most powerful nation, and who controls the spiggets of the the global monetary system.

Yet there are Two Nations that are presently standing-up to the bullying
Russia and China are both in the 'Imperial Club'. The core drive or most imperialist nations is to conquer, divide and control. If the readers can agree on this premise, then we are all on the same page.

Yet there are at least several attributes that separate China and Russia from he res of he imperials. They are: They refuse o bow down to he global anarchy of of American power; both are seen as the last chance for many nations who are under attack by the American Empire (Led by Trump); both can hold their won economically and militarily - and don't take threats lightly; neither flinch when what they claim is their sovereign domain is threatened. Yet, probably the most significant attribute of each of these nations may be surprising.

Neither of them are loathed by Trump and his Administration. Sure, hey may be seen as competitors, and even a threat o he the US's desire for preeminence on he global stage, but their projection of strength and resolve makes hem worthy opponents in the eyes of Donald Trump - hence, they are not loathed. They are respected by their primary adversary, the United STates of America.

Once again, if the readership can accept this premise of reasoning, we are on the same page.


While co-world powers, Russia and China, have gained a seemingly special dreverential status in its relationship with Donald Trump (Note: Not to be confused with being immune from the habitual attacks expected on any of those competitors. They are indeed worthy opponents that must be assuage with special care. They stand outside of Nato, which militarily leaks all of America allies together. excepting one possible pariah in the name of Turkey.

Ye there is much loathing vs. traditional global relationships where each party lauds in he other.

Maybe the "American First" ideology (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/America_First_(policy) that is the force behind the bluster and scorn of Trump. But, one thing is for sure that, and in the recent remarks by European Council President Donald Tusk’s criticisms of the evidential Amreican loathing in the words of: "Europe didn’t need enemies when it had friends like the United States." (https://www.bostonglobe.com/news/world/2018/05/16/leader-lights-into-trump-with-friends-like-that-who-needs-enemies/B4ULSbWAPAst3xcYtP2IIO/story.html).

The second sure thing is that American allies are well of aware of the loathing - but, appears to be adjusting, accordingly and letting he fall-out become what it is.

The greatest negative outcome (I opine) of this loathing is its propensity to trickle-down into other lesser relationships - affecting them in a (more) negative way (Yes, Iran is in a lurch, and no seems to care, or is caring less).