I'm talking from experience here and BTC POP is most definitely a scam or use scam tactics. Their verification system doesn't work and is completely rigged owned by them. Withdrawals issues all the time (translation: they won't send your money back ever) and not to mention that 90% of loans in the site will default.
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I've been an active member there since march or april... I'm a valued and respected borrower on there.. I have a good loan history there and never have a problem with them. What you are referring to was the beginning stages of a huge change that recently happened in POP which affected the way withdraws were handled. This only lasted a short while and if your here to leave a negative comment due to a short period without actually being an active member... you should reconsider your statement.
I am a public figure and my reputation is always on the line.. do not come on here and call the website a scam or using scam tactics under my post as this is first untrue and second.. leaving a smear on my Good name and reputation... Something I earned in this community
I'm not misinformed, I still have money there and it's been months! The site is full of scammers that build good reputation and at the end start to ask for bigger loans and that's when they run and default, that's how it works.
This is a Bitcoin and Crypto problem though, as it's not regulated people have been scamming for years. Steem users should take extra precautions because a lot of them don't even know how Bitcoin works.
thank you for clarifying.. yes this is a "Bitcoin and Crypto" problem not exclusive to POP. The problem of scammers and beggars goes far beyond one P2P social lending site. It is up to the community to stop this and up to the person looking to invest/borrow to do so with the intention of helping the community grow in a positive manner
when was the last time you logged on? Have you followed up with anybody? Quit bashing the site... if you have nothing real, genuine or productive to add
I'm sorry, I'm just sharing my experience. I didn't know I had to follow up with somebody to withdraw my money. Luckily it was very little so I don't really care.
@moonjelly You are clearly misinformed and completely bashing a site you apparently haven't bee in a while
I'm not sure if you are a rival of BTCPOP or just someone who rages without understanding the problem at hand. I am an amateur at BTCPOP at best, but I know that they are getting through some prior tough times. Irrespective of that, all of the problems are fixed or being fixed with minimal hinderance to anyone who uses the site. If you got swindled by a few bad apples then thats the risk you have to take when getting into p2p lending, it's not perfect but it works. I myself am in the red but marginally and only at the moment, the projections of the variety of investement option at POP will put me in the comfortable zone soon. Any losses I have incurred are due to my inexperience, but now my mistakes have given me the knowledge of seeking out the countless honourable borrwers at POP.
In short, if you are short sighted then so be it, don't ill inform others.
I'm sorry if my comments are hurtful but trust me I'm completely honest. And I'm not alone, just look at bitcointalk forums. Either way, let's finish the discussion with a warning for crypto newcomers looking to invest their hard earned money online, this is the wild wild west.
well said