Sounds like a good night out. Did it feel a bit strange? I was out for drinks with colleagues on Friday and wasn't totally comfortable. We ended up in a busy pub. After a while the noise got to me and I went home. I'm not too worried about omicron yet, but I do wonder if we will see an uptick in cases with people getting together over Xmas. I need to get my booster soon.
Anyway, hope you are well.
It was great all round. I know what you means about not feeling totally comfortable.
I did also feel a little weird about how no one was wearing a mask. I doesn’t feel long since the restrictions were severe and it was looking like the prospect of 5 years until we could all be back packed in to rooms without some kind of mask.
Yeah after Xmas will see a huge spike. I’m saving up money to protect us from another potential lockdown (or similar) - it seems too good to be true that this is all over and done with.
I'm lucky I can work from home most of the time. At the office they have enforced masks all along. There were people on the train on Friday without masks even though it's mandatory again.
We ended up in a busy crowded pub last Saturday night. No masks, no nothing. I was thinking about diseases all the time I was there. It's not going to kill us.., but I still don't want it. How times change eh?
I don't want it either. I get that people are tired of masks and stuff, but we need to be cautious.
(1/1) gave you