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RE: Female Shooter Dead At YouTube Headquarters PFT Live with Dan Dicks

in #live7 years ago (edited)

George Carlin used to joke that he's not worried about guns in school, that he's waiting for guns in church - they will call them "disgruntled worshippers".

The gun control agenda is being pushed mainly because the owners of the media (banking cartels) are afraid of this phenomena transferring over to "guns in banks" or something similar. Banks are generally harder targets, but they know they will have a hard time controlling the need for bail ins. For too long they have been "quantatively easing" us out of our money. Eventually they will have to start haircuts to stay solvent. When that happens, gun owners will demand to be paid and may resort to force.

Bitcoin and other decentralized crypto's are the answer to this problem. Once the equity drain is established into cryptos (not state run imposter coins), authority will not be able to pay its own and that's when it will begin to collapse.

PS - From what I've heard, YouTube, Google have armed security so the question is where were they?