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RE: All life in one suitcase

in #live8 years ago

While I own quite a bit more than fits into one suitcase/backpack or whatever travel bag you can reasonably carry, I do have about one such bag that I refer to as my "home". They say, that home is where the heart is, and with my heart inside my chest, I am really at home wherever I go.

And the bag? It has the stuff I'd really prefer not to be without, if I for example end up in another city or something. Most people say, wow, your backpack is heavy! It is, but life isn't all that simple and light either. Also, it only contains stuff that is neccessary and kind of relies on being in urban, or at least civilized locales. For hiking or planned long trips I do have a bigger bag. :-> And the bigger bag IS heavy. It is just most people love more sedentary lifestyle.

Good luck in Moscow. I'll be back there somewhere in october, so if you need someone to show you around or something, feel free to contact me then!


"...home is where the heart is, and with my heart inside my chest, I am really at home wherever I go" - this is a realy great idea!

Well, I am guessing that with only 1 suitcase full of stuff you are part of those people that subscribe to less is more philosophy as far as the possesions go? And the best and most important thing that one has is perhaps themselves, no? Everything else is just a way to appease the fear, to instill the false sence of security. People are wired to want security, the routine.

As for me physical things aren't that important, I guess I am not materialist, but idealist. What about you?

Events, emotion and life experience for me is much more important than things