Message from the LITTLE PEOPLE

in #littlepeople5 months ago

The message that the LITTLE PEOPLE would like to install into the WORLD'S MINDMASS is this: No governmental entity is completely guiltless, not the USA, not Russia, not China, not anybody, but we have to come to our senses and realize that our technological advancement is now so immense that the world we know can disappear any day of the week into a nuclear nightmare and probably will if history keeps unfolding the way it is going.

We want to stop WAR/INVASION insanity, join forces, help each other and launch the global DragonFly Asteroid Miner SuperProject that will elevate HumanKind to become a space age SuperWorld INVADING THE ASTEROID BELT.

If you think this is a good idea then mail letters to the mayor of any town or city with a:

YES for the DragonFly SuperProject

on the front of the letter. You don't need a complete address. The post office knows where the mayor's office is, and you don't need a return address, a stamp or your name. The letters will get collected and counted and you will see (the media will focus in on the story) how powerful you are as a global voice of LITTLE PEOPLE.