One of the things I like the most about Cadenas is his ability to use poetic language without the sort of obcurantism most poets defend
but according to many modern poets, it is bad art to say, to say something, whatever. They believe that the touch is in hiding (...) Perhaps a certain darkness is inherent in poetry (...)
I think that it is from this overdoing of the craft that poetry got her bad reputation and has made it difficult for more people to approach it.
I like your phrasing
the word is gratitude in vigil
This vigil should also include the alertness and social responsibility that comes with an office so noble and distinguished as that of the poet. People deserve to be enlightened by the visions of the artists. Artist deserved to be read/understood/followed in their propensity to see beyond the common folk's vision.
In his poetic evolution, Cadenas has reached a conception that sustains the communicability of poetry, without this meaning a decrease in the demand on himself and the reader. What he rejects is this preconceived and artificial pretension to the hermetic or incomprehensible. But that is what he comes to after a great deal of maturity.
He also believes in an inherent ethical commitment to the poet and to poetry, not as something imposed by an ideology or interests alien to one's own profession.
Thank you for your reading and comment, @hlezama.