Hello my dear colleagues and the hive community, a pleasure to greet you, I am new to this society and I want to share my first post with you. It is an old book that a neighbor gave me many days ago and when I looked at the title it caught my attention, I was curious to know its contents and when I read it I really liked it because it contains pleasant works that stimulate us and that also help us to train ourselves as readers. "The magic of books" as its name implies contains stimulating works to guide those who are new to reading, which is an excellent help for teachers and parents. Doctor Luis. B Prieto F. was born in Margarita in March 1902,. He is the author of this wonderful book, managing to satisfy the needs of student youth and made to build on the intellectual stimulation of all those who in their formative process. The author expresses that: For the youth, any book can be stimulating, it depends on the moment, the place, the state of mind, the predominant concern. Reading bad books forms taste as long as good books have been read, in a way that should not be despised or perhaps despised. At the moment that I was reading each of his works, I was summarizing what most attracted me to reading, so I will tell you a little about my synthesis.
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No es importante que el joven lea, pero la forma en que lo hace es importante. Creo que no es precisamente la velocidad lo que hace a un buen lector, sino la consecuente meditación en sus lecturas; piensa y reconsidera lo que lees. Los libros no solo deben leerse, sino releerse. Lo interesante es el resultado final, lo que queda después de la lectura, que es el objetivo que se persigue. Leamos algo a los malos autores; Siempre que no sea por malignidad, es excelente. Cultivemos en nosotros el odio al estúpido libro. El odio al libro estúpido es un sentimiento muy útil en sí mismo, pero tiene valor si alimenta en nosotros el amor y la sed de los buenos. El libro con mayor motivo de perfumes y golosinas, debe ser difundido, convirtiéndolo en portavoz de nuestros sentimientos, de nuestro espíritu en los agradables obsequios que hacemos.
La lectura sirve como un mero instrumento que el lector utiliza para encontrarse a sí mismo. La lectura no los cree pero los aclara. Debemos recordar que: Vivir es sin duda más importante que leer, pero leer ayuda a vivir en plenitud, contribuye a hacer la vida más bella, más amplia, más generosa. La lectura es una forma de vivir cuando de la lectura extraemos las ideas que ayudan a nuestra acción y que, enriqueciendo nuestra experiencia, la hacen más efectiva y valiosa.
Es necesario decirle a los jóvenes que necesitan vivir, vivir al máximo la época en que nacieron, pero sin olvidar que en los libros estimulantes hay ideas para una vida más rica y llena de contenido humano. Esto es todo por hoy compañeros hiver, espero que les guste mi pequeño compendio y para mi es un placer haberlo compartido con ustedes por primera vez en esta maravillosa comunidad y espero seguir haciéndolo para interactuar sobre el mundo de la lectura y aprender mucho más. saludos!
It is not important that the young person reads but the way he does it is important. I think that it is not precisely the speed that makes a good reader, but the consequential meditation on their readings; think and rethink what you read. Books must not only be read, but reread. What is interesting is the end result, what remains after reading, which is the objective pursued. Let's read something to bad authors; Provided that it is not due to malignancy, it is excellent. Let us cultivate hatred of the stupid book in ourselves. The hatred of the stupid book is a very useful feeling in itself, but it has value if it fuels in us the love and thirst of those who are good. The book with greater reason of perfumes and candies, must be disseminated, making it a spokesperson for our feelings, our spirit in the pleasant gifts we make.
Reading serves as a mere instrument that the reader uses to find himself. Reading does not believe it but clarifies them. We must remember that: Living is undoubtedly more important than reading, but reading helps to live fully, it contributes to making life more beautiful, wider, more generous. Reading is a way of living when from reading we extract the ideas that help our action and that, enriching our experience, make it more effective and more valuable.
It is necessary to tell young people that they need to live, to live to the full the time in which they were born, but without forgetting that in stimulating books there are ideas for a life that is richer and more full of human content. This is all for today fellow hivers, I hope you like my little compendium and for me it is a pleasure to have shared with you for the first time in this wonderful community and I hope to continue doing so to interact about the world of reading and learn much more. regards!<>