I definitely have a good handful of favorites.
Steem and litecoin both have potential for different reasons. Steem has appeal for the reasons you mention - putting your funds to work. Also it's got easy adoptability by being a direct plug in to social networks. I think the steem protocol is quite cool in this regard.
litecoin has value more as a money. Steem is a kind of money....but more appropriately defined as a utility token. Back to Litecoin...it being more commonly defined as a smart contract money system...and having such history in close proximity to bitcoin, it's got a lot of benefits as a result of simply who it is as a name in the world.
I can relate to going all in. I've made those moves many times.
Opportunistically I hedge my bets on all my favorite horses.
I'm with you on that but I'm not playing with much. I feel like I can earn more if I put it all to work on Steem. I watched all my coins go up and down and since I have so little in the game I feel like steem gives me more control. I bought ltc at 25 and sold for 180 so I feel I did well but I do feel like i'm missing out on opportunities. One this is that I'm not analytical and not good at charts. I feel like I understand steemit so I don't freak out trying to learn about the others. I will say that steemit better embrace all forms of content instead of being long content quality snobs or people will go elsewhere for decentralized social media.
good points. and healthy gains with your ltc. you could always start putting some sbd on payouts into ltc...then it's like your building steem and your building ltc and your steem power is working like a sweet mining contract.