Litecoin has bounce back on top quite nicely today jumping up by over 11% to trade at $32.29. Today saw almost $500 million worth of litecoins traded in a span of 24 hours!
Litecoin is one of the most promising cryptocurrencies this year with predictions suggesting it could be trading higher than ethereum by end year.
Let's hope, wait and see for now just hold on to your Litecoin.
© Betcoin
why it should be trading higher? and where will be etherum?
i sold my litecoin. but its good to hold some of litecoin.
but more people HODL Bitcoin.
You talking about 100x in one year?
Better buy cloakcoin its still cheaper and has some value because of usefull privacy features.
litecoin users be like:

Why has litecoin been so slow growing when Bitcoin and etherem have exploded?? I guess my question is why now?