Facebook Integration of Litecoin - Speculation at it's Best!

in #litecoin7 years ago (edited)

I've seen articles in the past month of so giving light to moves by Charlie Lee and Facebook. Moves that add up to them preparing an integration of Litecoin with Facebook.

The Latest "Catalyst"

  • Facebook banning all cryptocurrency related ads from their feeds.

This the latest move that have sparked articles like this one by zeohedge:
Facebook Bans Crypto in Anticipation of Litecoin Integration

In the zerohedge article they site the confluence of events over the past couple months.

The first being the LTC founder, Charlie Lee's sale of all his litecoin.

The article points out the following:

At the time that Lee sold off his LTC, Coinbase announced the appointment of Facebook executive, David Marcus to their board of directors. David Marcus is the Head of Messenger at Facebook, with expertise in mobile-first products.

Now recall, Lee was the Director of Engineering at Coinbase.

Plus, tweets like the one below only add fuel to the speculative fire:

The items listed are all things that could make Litecoin a fit with facebook and legitimately give this some legs.

I mean, the business acquaintances, the technology that would be a good fit. It's fun to think about!

Of course, if this were to happen that would be awesome. LTC would likely moon.

However, can't Facebook just create FBcoin themselves and call it a day? They do have a huge team of engineers.

Either way - thought it would be fun to discuss and I'm certainly hoping for it, but not banking on it.

That's called prudent investing my friends :-)


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Best Regards,


To mine opinion, I think if Facebook does this it would be a great ideal to the fact that Facebook is a big time platform, even the old people are there......
Tnx for sharing this wonderful information! I will check that eBook out on how to go about bitcoin.... What I have been longing to know.

it would be cool, but I don't see it happening. Facebook isn't about freedom. Shoot, a friend tried to call me though facebook messenger and a notification came up saying Facebook wanted to record the call. i clicked no thanks, and it forcefully hung up on the caller. Even if they offered it, I just can't really stand facebook and their intrusive ways.

It's not like I don't believe you, but I never heard of that before! I think If they want to record your call, they would not ask your permission.

I think maybe legally they have to get your consent. just like in windows you can opt out of sharing your data with windows. They just make it so you have to click yes in order to use the service. Yeah, i'd never encountered that kind of thing before, it thoroughly creeped me out

my thoughts would be amazon or ebay would get ltc as ebay kicking out paypal till contract finished. ltc ftw

LTC has been my favorite to buy and also use. It's so quick and the fees are low. I've been saving some and buying silver and gold with some aswell, my go-to precious metal dealer accepts it..and if Facebook does integrate Litecoin that would be amazeballs!

I like the precious metals buys! Thats awesome they accept LTC. I may need the name to the dealer sir!

Silvergoldbull, they're based in Canada and the US. Apmex also accepts BTC but the fees to use BTC are ludicrous, that's why ether and LTC should one day pass that old dusty coin

Nice! And yes, agreed.

I don't really see facebook doing that! Especially after the lastest news regarding the ban of cryptocurrency related adds!

I have to say I'm really glad I never heard of facebook trying to join the crypto-game with its own coin! I'm not really sure why but I just have a bad felling about that... ;)

Hmm.. doubtful. It's in the same tier as so-called "inside tips." If you're as experienced an investor as I think, you'll know what I'm driving at.

Hahaha, for sure. I also have some magic beans to sell you sir :-)

Thank you for sharing this! Personally, I think that people are over estimating what Facebook can do at the moment. Facebook are under scrutiny from a multitude of political bodies in terms of becoming more regulated - they may be a centralised platform, but they have a lot of data issues and more, so they will not be creating their own cryptocurrency any time soon in my opinion, as that would impose more regulations.

I also can't imagine them integrating with any cryptocurrencies until the market becomes more regulated - they do not want to risk the reputation of their platform by full on integrating a cryptocurrency. I could imagine them starting out by integrating blockchain games, like some simple Ethereum games - their developers could easily build some really cool Ethereum based games. This would be an easy way for them to test the water with cryptocurrencies, without diving right in!

Thanks again for sharing, would really appreciate your feedback on my posts.

What better way for regulators to keep track of crypto than Facebook?

How so? It doesn't provide a tracking mechanism, all it would do is track data running through Facebook - and if Facebook did get to integration level tech, it would be decentralised to gain support of the community.

facebook could allow you to connect a litecoin wallet to your messenger app... then they would have perfect records of all the litecoin sent amongst users...

Firstly, I can't imagine ltc agreeing to this. Secondly, third party pairing via a messenger API would not give Facebook these records. If all they wanted was transactions, they could simply download the public blockchain - all transactions are public anyway. Facebook also couldn't do this due to the aforementioned regulatory issues - hope this clears things up for you :)

Sounds like you know better than I

can this really come true

This is one of those places, where it is all speculation.
Even if litecoin was working with f-c-book, it could all fall apart before the integration.

And since I really do not care for f-c-book, I would be conflicted if they did get together.

I believe that we will see a meteoric rise in litecoin. Just because its like bitcoin, well known enough and has formed a bull flag. With any really good news, then it will just be a more spectacular rise.

I haven't looked into the inner dealings but I do know that Facebook has enough power to just make their own coin and get it listed all over the place. So that makes me think LTC won't find a home on FB.

2019 will likely see GoogleCoin, AppleCoin (iCoin) and FBcoin. They have sick development teams.

Litecoin will not follow btc soon. It will become a leading currency followed by ETH and STEEM.

Makes me feel like keeping a store of ltc, just in case

Facebook would most probably copy Steemit and come up with FBCoin as you say.

And then there is this article on hackernoon suggesting fb is dying:

"My simple view has long been, that you’re either growing the engagement of your user base, or your dying. It could be a very long, profitable death. But decreasing engagement is hard/impossible to turn around."


I’m not holding my breath about Facebook integration, but barring Zuck making his own coin, LTC would be the perfect one for use within messenger. Think of how easy it would be to simply pay friends for beers or whatever.

I’m not sure if Charlie Lee is a marketing genius or an absolute loonie. But as far as I’m concerned, his track record means he’s earned the right for us to trust him and his team... For now. How long that trust will last, I’m not sure.

Haha, love your steemit icon mate! And yeah, I'd be surprised if this happened though from some of the comments on this post it sounds like people think I said this is gonna happen ;-)

You should know that people don’t actually read your blogs and just comment generic, unrelated or wrong comments. 😎

As for the icon, it’s just a placeholder. I am in the process of working on some new graphics to be used in my profile and as header/footer images on my blogs. Keen!

That would make me feel better about buying new litecoin right before everything plummeted. :D