Will Litecoin Overtake Ethereum? Charlie Lee Leaves Coinbase to Fully Focus on Litecoin

in #litecoin8 years ago

Litecoin is on persistent rise even though the overall market is stagnant. Over the past few days the total market cap is stuck around $100 billion.

Even then Litecoin has significantly increased from around $27 to over $55 in a span of just 10 days.


According to some sources, the rise is mainly because Charlie Lee left Coinbase to fully focus on the development of Litcoin. He is also reported to have tweeted to take Litecoin to the Moon.

According to some crypto circles, these new developments will make Litecoin overtake Ethereum!

What do you think? Please share your opinion.



I agree with your assessment, 80% of my holdings are in litecoin.

The best course of action will be to hold them. The circulating supply of litecoin is only 51,874,307 while the total supply is 84,000,000. So we this amount supply, the highy investors' interest and the developers dedication there are high chances of it overtaking ethereum and several other altcoins.

So, hold hold hold.

it can happen