LiteBringer Saga - The Lonely Mountain Overfloweth

in #litebringer11 months ago

In Smaug's world, all was finally quiet. The frantic activity that had been taking place for over a year to build his army of pyronite Warrior-workers had finally bore fruit. Now, with 180 such automated warriors under his command, he could extract unprecedented quantities of T9 emblems and pyronite from the sands of Ankharash. But simultaneously, after months of hard grinding and daily effort, Smaug had grown tired and realized he had more resources than he needed already, and his industrial capacity had been brought to the level he had always wanted.

So all was perfect, except for one thing. The Lonely Mountain had become a sad place. As richly adorned and stocked with resources as it was, it lacked activity and the usual awe of visitors to these halls. Smaug was a well known presence in the world, and accepted as a civilized being despite his dragon form. But now the world itself had grown tired, as if it shared Smaug's lack of desire for farming more resources. What was needed above all were buyers, and other industrialists wanting to produce and compete with Smaug. That is what he desired the most, more economic activity coming from the lands of Dorastir and his fellow neighbors in Amkhez Vaz...

Until then, Smaug would patiently bask in the glory of the Lonely Mountain, ever ready to answer his loyal customers!