The Art of Listening - Deepening Your Connections through Empathy

in #listen3 months ago

Image by brgfx on Freepik

If someone is trying to connect with others, the most effective and profound way is to listen their feelings in their words without judging and quick to give an advice or your opinion. Listening to others deepens the relationship with one another by understanding their emotions, intentions and unspoken truths. A little bit of empathy would create a safe space where people feel valued and understood in your presence.

Basically listening required attention of your mind towards the person you were listening to. Do not get distracted while they were speaking as it may indicate that you are not interested in what they are saying and they would feel like alone in their life. Try to put your phone away, make eye contact and listen to them. Try to observe the tone and body language of the other person while listening.

We often tend to judge others quickly just by seeing them. It's not good to judge other basing on their appearance and talk. Try to avoid responses in your mind while the other person is speaking. Know that the judging creates barriers while without it creates trust and encourages honesty.

Try to show emphaty when the speaker showing emotions by acknowledging them even though if you cannot fully felt them yourself. Affirm the speaker with positive words like it sounded really difficult or that you can see why the speaker felt that way. This way it shows that you are trying to understand the speaker perspective and showing empathy towards them.

Asking truthful questions like tell me more about that or how was the experience like for you. These genuine questions will delve the speaker more deeper and feel heard about them making them valued and puts trust on you. Try not to just give advices, it's better to just listem to them without offering them a unsolicited advice which makes the speaker feel dismissive.

Instead of giving advices, guide them into a conversation which can make them to see that they come up an idea by themselves. Otherwise listen to them if they need any advice or just a ear to listen to their problems. Because sometimes people seek understanding rather than solutions.

After all the listening try to repeat those things you listened to confirm your understanding of their situation which only clarifies communication but also assures them that you had been listening attentative to them. These will make the bond between the two even more and lets them to openup more.

Sometimes it's just not a single time process to come to an end, but a step by step process to fill the gaps of thoughts allowing some space for reflection encourages a much more meaningful exchange. Listen to them with empathy which shows self compassion by authenticating your own feelings and needs then only you can better offer or encourage meaningful sensitivity to others.

This way you gain the trust and mutual respect of understanding from others and these type of effects extends beyond individual relationship to make more connected and harmonious in the community.