do be cautious bringing your articles to Steemit. Cheetahbot might not see the difference.
I also have another blog i brought articles over here from in my first few posts but i stopped cause i don't want even one flag or comment suggesting i copied that I have to defend cause its waste of time and people often don't vote regardless simply because copying was suggested.
I used to post on Steemit, wait the out the first payout then post it on my blog. But now the payout after the first payouts is more effective so I won't be doing that method anymore.
Just saying cause i like your posts and don't want to see any negative stuff that could be dodged.
This is what i made my recent blog post look like.
I now put links to my steemit link and a small description of the article and a couple pics. I also use links from my blog in steemit so I can get better google analytics with link backs.
keep on keeping on
my 2 cents
oh and i did enjoy this article and voted
Thanks for the support and advice. I will be taking down LiskNation once I get everything moved over (it's only a few articles) and the site wasn't well indexed yet anyways I don't believe. I will look out for the "Cheetahbot" as it isn't something I was familiar with. It will be mostly new content from this point on. Thanks again!