The Very First LISK Web Wallet Review!

in #lisk8 years ago (edited)

Today I tested out the virtual currency LISK (LSK) and will give you a review with screenshots.

First Things First
Gotta Get Some Lisk!
So I loaded up with a few thousand lisk at to test drive the currency. Normally I would not do such a large amount, but it was FOMO FRIDAY trust me it made perfect sense.

Step Two, Find something to do with it!

Time to do a test run and see what LISK is all about. I did a google search about LISK and found the site
This is the main portal for finding everything you need to know about LISK. From here you can download a Lisk v0.3.1 Beta for Windows or Mac.
For the scope and sanity of this steemit article I will not be testing out The Full Lisk Client, and will opt to test out the web interface.

Step 3 Getting Into the Nuts and Bolts of LISK!
The sign up process seems easy enough. It uses the basic passphrase key that I have seen before on other Bitcoin wallets. They even offer a secondary passphrase for more security, however the only thing missing here was the 2FA security! After seeing what happened with STEEMIT because they did not have 2FA, this could be a big problem for Lisk if they don’t get their security act together soon!.

No 2FA, only a 2nd PASSPHRASE (potential security attack vector?)

Step 4 time to send a transaction

Now I have a brand new Lisk web wallet, time to fund it! Alright I am getting smarter at this. I plan on sending a small amount, but how much is not too small? This made me nervous so I signed up for the lisk live chat
After a little confusion I found my deposit wallet, the number under my username that ends in L. With that in mind I decided to send .5 LSK to my new web wallet. What, to send .50 it will cost me .10? O.K. so I still need to test it so I sent the .40 and .10 fee! I fiddled around a few seconds and checked the web wallet and sure enough I saw it flashing in and out on my screen. I have to admit it did look a little buggy because my balance would say .40 , and then say 0 .

Step 5 Time To Test Out The Big App!
After browsing around the web wallet I noticed a link called Forging. I clicked on it and it said there was a 25 Lisk fee to become a Delegate so you could forge. It shows you can earn LISK by being one of the 101 Delegates. It is all a bit complex, but I thought I aught to try it out. So I sent some about 26 more LSK over so I could become a Delegate. I clicked the button to buy in and because my balance kept appearing and dissapearing the transfer failed the first few times. I almost was about to give up and then, bam it finally went through, 25 Lisk so now I am a delegate, however I have not even seen my name on the list yet. Next there is a tab to vote on delegates, but this was going to cost 1 more LSK per vote so I decided to stop there until I could find out what the heck was going on.

Step 6 Time to Withdrawal Our Dark Horses
Time to test the withdrawal process. For my first transaction withdrawn, I decided to go with 1 LSK. Mainly that is all I had left after spending the 25 on becoming a Delegate. So I sent the 1 LSK, and there was a .10 fee so in total I sent .90, and then I waited, and waited, and chatted, and waited, until I finally decided to send support a message. It turns out Bittrex does not show you the deposit until it is over 1 whole coin, so my .90 was not cutting it. This was driving me steaming nuts at this point. Now I had to send some more LSK over to the web wallet just to get my 1 LSK back. So since the TX fee is always .10 I decided to send 5 over and then send them all back and be done with this for a while. This is where I am now, still chatting, and waiting, and so while I wait I FOMO’d all the rest of my LISK into some STEEM, and my adventures in LSK are over for the time being.

Step 7 Take A Deep Breath and Breath
All in all, is it over for LSK? No quite the contrary. I still think there is a lot of potential with the platform. There are quite a bit of improvements to be made with the web wallet. I Still have not got the last 5 LSK back, but I will update in the comments when I finally get this squared away. Below I will post the transactions from this article.


Did you know that if you put Lisk in your Lisk wallet and vote for 101 delgates you receive free Lisk(money!)!?
You can earn 22.6% interest per month if you specifically vote for these members:

Wow, I did not know about that, thanks! I will take a look!

Nice post. :) You might want to check out other lisk wallets option here as well!

I think lisk is going to the moon

Good article

must give some time this platform, it has huge potential

LISK is very exciting, I am going to keep working at it, there is so much to learn!

14 Hours later, the Last 5 LSK never showed up yet on my exchange wallet? Still waiting.
Might update with some more screenshots later.

Alright the TX just never made it out, at least my LISK are still in my wallet, was just the web wallet not displaying the LISK balance correctly. Hopefully I will be able to send them out at some point! Will try again later. I found this on github that seems to describe the problem. also found some others with this problem

UPDATE- Alright it all worked out, LISK is the best! I did receive the funds after all. It looks like it cleared 13 hours ago! Not sure what happened, what a relief!