I've been a linux user since 1992. Started with slackware and have always enjoyed building my own system, hardware with software. Then Gentoo came out that really piqued my interest. Recently.. A new distro came out based on Gentoo but can be configued in a few ways. Redcore... Redcore+Gentoo (mixed mode) or pure gentoo. Personally i love this distro because if youve ever installed Gentoo.. You know what a pain in the ass it is. Redcore takes a lot of that pain away. Even EFI install is pretty painless. Redcore has its own repo of prebuilt binaries if you dont want to wait.
Redcore is QT and systemd-less focusing on a minimal system And speed. Give this distro a try
"Redcore is QT" not simple QT but use LXTQ as is DE and that means is QT enabled
Correct, I'm sorry, i was typing this on my phone and kept it somewhat simple, thank you for pointing that out
https://suckless.org/ https://suckless.org/sucks/systemd http://without-systemd.org/wiki/index.php/Arguments_against_systemd
u rules. I also hate systemd, love openrc and BSD. And also love speed distros. Nice to meet you, I'm Riccardo from Barcelona, Spain.