
Good how is the security

LINUX systems are around 2-3% of world market.. so writing malware for LINUX is not as profitable as for WINDOWS or MAC's
Oddly enough WANNACRY malware striking the world now.. was written for WINDOWS systems only.
It is also how comfortable are you with computers.. I run no anti mal systems. I am comfortable talking to my computer. It's free! It's fast. 90% of the worlds fastest systems run linux platforms..

Yes, most malware is not made for linux (going into ethical hacking atm). Often specific hacks (reverse shells etcs) that target servers with SQLi or PHP-uploads etc target linux. They are mostly ROOTKITS, not viruses or malware. In this case the hacker is looking to exploit the box and get root, info from DB's etc. On windows it's about spreading CRAP that is dangerous, harmful, and less about stealing info or databases etc. It's quite a different goal for the hacker.

Fun place to test your hackingskills is vulnhub, if you want to learn that kind of thing.

it is not my thing. I do have friends very skilled at it.
My thing is shouting from the roof-tops... trying to show people the new ways....
If I need help.. as I said... I have a network of friends. Some with PHD's.. some just self taught bad-ass's
We're brothers.... we have our specialties.

you can have it and windows at same place right? Is there any antivirus for it

i have 2 dual boot computes running windows and linux. I have 5 linux only systems also.
You need to get into your mind anti-virus systems are compromised... sheez.
It is a false security blanket.

Yes, running Ubuntu, another simple alternative along with Linux Mint.. Linux lite I've never worked with, but it looks simple too! Ubuntu is perfect for me, because of the apt-get repositories

sudo apt-get and you're away.

linux lite and mint which is better

it's all about choices. There are distributions for different aspects according to the user. This is a simple cross platform for windows users.