Light The World Day 7: "Suffer the little children to come unto me"

in #lighttheworld7 years ago

I want to apologize if there are any errors, inconsistencies or weird phrases in the narrative. My main language is Spanish, I am still learning English.

Fuente Screenshot

Today is the seventh day of the #LightTheWorld Challenge. Today is the day I most wanted him to arrive, even without knowing what to do.

Today's lesson is:

Jesus taught: "Suffer the little children to come unto me".
- Mark 10:14

I wanted this day, because I love children. Each one of them are special beings, full of innocence that the Heavenly Father sent to this world to learn. They are small people full of light and that's why Jesus said: "...for of such is the kingdom of God".
It is inevitable to smile when I see a newborn baby, tenderness overtakes me when I see a child saying his first words, I feel peace when he took one of them in my arms, I get excited knowing that they are learning letters and numbers, it makes me laugh to see them running around playing between them and it makes me happy to understand that they are very intelligent.

Jesus loved little children. We can each brighten the life of a child simply by taking the time to show that we care.

Here I will leave you some ways you can help and show love to the children of the world as Jesus Christ did.

1) When was the last time you made a child smile?

Donate a toy to a children’s hospital, or make a contribution to a children’s charity.

2) Do your children or grandchildren understand the true meaning of Christmas?

Teach them about Jesus Christ and His infinite love for them.

3) How could you make a child’s day?

Make plans and take time to help a child feel special.

Thinking about this day, I did a retrospective to the past and I remembered that many times I have worked with children: as a volunteer in children's foundations, being part of the team of donations to a hospital, helping with homework and teaching some children in the community. None was for a long time but they all left me beautiful experiences and wonderful memories.

Friends of the Child Foundation with Cancer

I was a volunteer for a time at the Friends of the Child with Cancer Foundation (Fundación Amigos del Niño con Cáncer), and even though I was a little while I was able to meet wonderful children, although they were struggling with that strong disease they always kept a smile on their face, some did not need to take off the mask they used to see his smile because it reflected in his eyes.
Everything is not always pink, I also met some children withdrawn and sad but the simple fact of being there and playing with them, changed their appearance. I should add that I started going to the foundation after we visited and did a service activity as part of the Youth Conference, although previously it had been voluntary collecting monetary supplies to help the Foundation, the famous "Potazo".


Children with special educational needs

At another time in my life, I did social work in a foundation of children with special educational needs. It was a wonderful experience to share with children and adults (but with child's hearts) with down syndrome, asperger's syndrome, autism, motor problems, among other conditions. Helping them with their activities such as painting, writing, drawing, making crafts and sometimes walking, was satisfactory.
During this social work not only grew my love for children but also learned life lessons and improvement. There I met a girl with Down syndrome, her name was Briskely, she was an athlete, she was a swimmer and that was her passion. Every day she practiced and struggled, in fact, I could see the effort she was making when I knew she had won the Paralympic Games in swimming. I understood that we can all do what we propose, we just need to strive.


Donation of toys and a miracle.

Three years ago, in December, I accompanied a friend to make a donation of toys at the Hospital of Pediatric Specialties in Maracaibo, the city where we live. That Christmas, many children were discharged to spend the end of the year with their families and in the hospital were only those who were more delicate health. All children had different diseases, kidney problems, cancer, heart problems, etc; but it was indescribable the sensation that I felt when seeing the smile of each one of them when we passed by his room and we gave him the gift.

There was a girl who was in quarantine, her immune system was so deteriorated that she could not receive visitors, However, the hospital worker opened the door of her room and her mother came out to meet us. The girl peeked out hugging a stuffed animal, and despite the mask I had noticed that she was beautiful, his eyes blue as the sky stood out like two stars that later became illuminated when seeing the toy. I assumed that the girl had cancer because of the mask she was wearing and because she did not have hair.
Days later I knew that her name was Gabriela. Through social networks, I found a campaign to raise funds and help in the treatment of Gaby who had an aggressive cancer in stage four, a diagnosis not encouraging. I followed closely the social networks Gaby case, managed to collect funds for treatment outside the country. There were many chemotherapies, operations and treatments and two years later, Gabriela's tests were negative for any cancer cell. Gaby won the battle against cancer!


Working and helping

Another of my anecdotes was to teach and help some children in the community with homework. Every day at 4 o'clock in the afternoon, I met with four or five children to guide them, explain them and help them with their homework or just take care of them. This was a job for me, because I was earning money for it, but it was not for the money I did it, I really did it for the satisfaction of helping them.
One, four, five, eight and ten were the ages of these children; due to the difference in ages and personalities, sometimes they did not get along, but there were many times when we laughed together. Seeing how they learned to write, to read, to multiply and divide, I was filled with emotion because I knew that I was being part of that learning process.


There are many ways to love, help and serve children. It is our duty to protect and guide them because they are the future. Love children today, tomorrow and always. Think and find the way today.
For those who do not know #LightTheWorld is a campaign to make this world a better place, to be a light in the lives of other people. We celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ by serving others this Christmas season. As we follow His example, we can help #LightTheWorld.

Illuminate the world in 25 ways for 25 days.
You want to know more?




6th of December allways brings me memories from my childhood. So thinking about childs in need this time hits me harder.
Great post, thanks to #lighttheworld everyday I can read something motivational. It is really helpful.

I hope that feeling will inspire you to help others. #LighTheWorld is to help us all and inspire us to be better people.

Hola Paola, soy Mario Trivelli de Chile, vengo del chat de whattsapp, magnificas fotografias y publicaciòn. Pasa por mi ultima publi cuando puedas!!! un abrazo desde Chile!!!

Hola Mario, claro que si. Un saludo.

Good content and quite informative to say the least. Thanks a lot.

Thanks to you for reading. I made the post with a lot of love and dedication.

Children are our future. We need to teach them some good values so we create better world through them . Great post :)

I agree with you. Children are angels and it is our duty to raise them with good values. Thank you.

This is great
Awesome article..You've really made a wonderful impact on Children.
God bless you

They have had an impact on me, they have left a mark on my heart. Thank you.

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It's great! I'm glad.

This is a beautiful post. It doesn't matter what your first language is when you are speaking from the heart.

My voting power is very low so I am sending you a little steem instead of a vote.

Thank you very much. I'm glad you felt it that way because I did it with my heart. Thanks for the support.

Thanks for this motivational piece,it really brought tears to my eyes. We all have roles to play in the lives of children. We also must be careful as they(children) are really fast learners of characters

I'm glad I touched your heart. The children are very intelligent and learn quickly and it is our duty to give them the best example.