LightTheWorld Day 8: Love Your Enemies

in #lighttheworld7 years ago (edited)


"Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which despitefully use you."

-Mateo 5:44

Next i would like to make a brief reflection on the theme of day 8.
(My language is Spanish, thank you for understanding.)


It is easy to be pleasant with those who show kindness and empathy with us, with those who share our tastes and points of view and in general when everything runs smoothly.


¿But what about our attitude, when people show a contrary or harsh behavior toward us?


We usually react defensively, even in some situations aggressively or vengefully because it predominates pride to rationality. It is frequent to observe how some attack others due of insignificant situations, which often bring regrettable consequences.


Just one example drastic but real of so many:

I've seen how high-stress drivers assault others with death, only because the other person responded with the same aggressive response.

What would happen if instead of responding with the same stone, we put ourselves in the place of the other and try to understand what happens there in his inner being. Surely the result would be very constructive for both sides.

¿How many wars and tragedies would we have avoided if the attitude of one side were conciliatory and rational?

Conflict, hatred and enmity only bring a waste of resources that can be maximized to do something constructive.

¿How many resources would have been better used to feed undernourished children, instead of wasting them buying weapons and waging wars?

¿How many of these resources consumed by hate and sustain an enmity, would be better used to manifest love for each other? And here i emphasize not only the economic aspect, but also the waste of your vital energy.

Loving your enemy, in my opinion, does not imply allowing outrage and abuse, it implies understanding the reason why this person has come to act in this way and how my attitude can be constructive for me and my "enemy", what can i do to improve this, perhaps just a simple change of attitude will help not delve into the sore.

Loving your enemy, implies that instead of joining their hatred, i value the path of reconciliation.

amigos bien.jpg

Yes, sometimes we will not succeed in changing the aggressive attitude of the other, so i change my way of reacting towards a constructive attitude, so that hatred and enmity does not find an echo in me. Then there are no longer two parts fueling hatred. So this hatred will have to decrease, because he hasn't found a source to feed on.

¿And if I'm the one who's full of hate and collecting enemies?

Then we should give ourselves an opportunity to look inside ourselves, discover what is bothering us, what is hidden that is hurting us.

¿Does it bring us any benefit to continue feeding this hatred?

Surely our inner being will say: "Enough is enough, you are your own enemy".

Directing our steps to convert all these hatreds and resentments into love would be a good option. Love for yourself, love for your neighbor, because the miracle of life is more than enough to be grateful, we are privileged to be here and now, because there is no other way than love to travel this path of life.

The world is thirsting for love.


Peace and love for all.


love it!!!