
I don't like to be judgemental, but I would say Africa is a backwards continent... Civilization has never actually flourished on it, has it? Some examples of success could be the ancient Empires of Mali or Ethiopia (I see this and wonder if it is just a theory ), but those could be made-up... Also, I would say the Lord our God has somehow decreed it wrong to worship their idols and to practice their tribal occult arts, such as those of the Yoruba or the Swahili.

That would have to be a very vengeful god. I prefer to think of love. It seems that humans have had a hand in exploiting the people and resources of many places throughout history. I am not very religious but I believe those humans were acting against love and god.

Hmmm... it is an interesting way of looking at it. Nevertheless, it is indeed easy to blame others for one's own flaws; God is clearly against many African practices, but they endure to this day. I would not blame Europeans for Latin American flaws; that is our own fault. We are lucky to have had European civilization, languages and religion (and especially CHRISTIAN SPIRITUALITY) coming our way, otherwise we would still be worshiping the Sun like the Inca or murdering and eating each other like the Mayans.

#fuk your god fuk your evil bible.
Evil bible creates evil ignorant like you that's it. bible is a worst evil book ever on earth, islam is more better than book of evil.

Go learn some English dude, you are not making yourself clear.

The Bible is not an evil book. Not at all. Muhammad used it partially to create the Quran. Jesus the Christ and Mary the Virgin are both mentioned in the Quran. Abraham is mentioned in both books, just as Isaac and Ishmael. You are embarrassing yourself by writing such nonsense bro, God bless you.


@hanshotfirst Acting against love and the One God ... maybe.

A hand they've had indeed, but do you think that escaped the Lord's plans? Not at all.

They were instruments, and though God is not vengeful, I know first hand of two prime examples of what I say: the USA is a rich and prosperous Nation, founded on the Christian principles of the founding fathers. Venezuela and Cuba on the other hand have worshiped for decades idols of Santeria and Yoruba pantheon... Look at where they are now.

PS BTW did you already watch The Last Jedi? 😄

That is because of evil west and Western.
They century ago they went with evil bible and killed millions, made slave, created war , robbed hold and dimond. don't vomit about god, we are just witness of WW2 war and ongoing middle east war made by west. christianity is dividing society and Western government is robbing the nation, in conclusion they are working together to robe the unadvanced civilization. nothing about god all about evil. Thanks!

@musicfromsoul LOL Thanks? for not flagging your stuff I suppose! Palestinians and Arabs are the violent ones, not the West. If you are referring to Israel, that land was given to them by both GOD and men, period. The UN decided it, and we see no Arab nation leaving the UN, do we? That part about the past, first of all is in the past, second of all, those were Catholics and their crooked Popes who did that, NOT Christians per se... The Vatican is indeed an evil entity to this day, but don't you dare catalogue us all into your tiny box of ideas, Mr. "Music From Soul"... Hope to God that soul of yours gets bleached a bit... Blessings.