Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself LightTheWorld day 4 # 1

in #lighttheworld7 years ago

I think we can all do with improvement in the area of loving our neighbours as ourselves.
If we ever hope to overcome or evolved natures... that natural tendency to thinking of self and our own survival or comfort first... then learning to put others needs above our own is a crucial first step.

It starts with simple things.
The #LightTheWorld campaign website makes the following suggestions for Day 4

Jesus told us to love our neighbors. Whether our “neighbors” live next door or in another country, we can show Christlike love for them through service.


How well do you know your next-door neighbor?
Take a moment to have a meaningful conversation with him or her.

Do families in your community give out neighbor gifts during the Christmas holiday?
See if your neighbors would be willing to forgo the gifts this year and instead put the money toward a meaningful cause.

Who in your neighborhood is forgotten during Christmas?
Pay them a visit, and deliver some goodies.

These suggestions are not really difficult and I am sure you can come up with ones that are as relevant to your own set of circumstances.
In the comments please don't share with us necessarily what you did, but how it made you feel.

Yesterday we had some great contributions from the community and I have been voting lots of interactions and a couple of posts from the #lighttheworld hashtag
I will continue monitoring the #lighttheworld hashtag and will be throwing all spare voting power in that direction, to comments and posts.

If you decide to participate using your own top level post, please just insert the days video, theme and link, as I have done. The rest is up to you and lets see how creative and positive a contribution we can all make.

This is the one, from the community, I gave the biggest vote for day 3.

I will however be monitoring and voting within the tag on all days, not just 3, 6, 9, 11 etc.