Light the World day 2: I was thirsty, and ye gave me drink.

in #lighttheworld7 years ago (edited)

One of my favorite memories of 2016 was participating in the Light the World campaign with my family. This campaign is intended to "... celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ by serving others this Christmas season. As we follow His example, we can help #LightTheWorld."

This is not my daughter... but she has the same wonder in her eyes.

That might be the official mission statement of the initiative, but as my 10 year old daughter MJ put it, our family took part in "Good Deed Days" last year. She has been looking froward to doing the same this year. Actually my whole family has... but she is the only one who has been counting down on her calendar.

That is the true beauty of Light the World. It is about doing universally Good things. It is not called "Only Christians Should Light the World". It is open to everyone with love in his or her heart regardless of the religion he or she practices... or doesn't practice. You don't have to be Christian to recognize the role modeling of Jesus. Many religions and philosophies preach the importance of treating others how you would like to be treated and helping those in need. Light the World is a chance for all people to do more than simply "talk the talk". For the first 25 days of December, let's all "walk the walk". Actually... how about we start with those 25 days and see how far we can make it?

Today's lesson is: "I was thirsty, and ye gave me drink."

The official Light the World website explains that:

"People around us are thirsting both physically and spiritually. We can help them receive the life-sustaining water that their bodies need and the living water that their spirits need."

At least 783 million people do not have access to clean and safe water worldwide.

The site gave some really easy, yet meaningful, ways to help "quench others' thirst".

  • Consider donating to a cause that helps provide safe water to individuals or communities.
  • Donate a case of bottled water to your local shelter.
  • Help someone who is "spiritually thirsty."

To be honest, I didn't get past that first suggestion. As soon as I read it, it immediately reminded me of something I had seen back in August of 2014. That summer, I participated in my first viral social media campaign known as the ice bucket challenge. The goal of the challenge was to raise awareness and donations to fight ALS. Basically, participants filmed themselves dumping a bucket of ice water on themselves, explained why they did it and then "nominated" others to do the same. The campaign raised over $20 million... and countless spirits. Many celebrities got into the act. My favorite was from Matt Damon.

Damon not only used the opportunity to help raise money for ALS, he also shined a light on a global crisis that many were unaware of.

Damon has done much more than simply pour toilet water on himself (ummm I hope that wouldn't be his greatest accomplishment). He is one of the founders of, an organization that aims to "empower families with access to safe water and sanitation through affordable financing."

Do you have 70 seconds to learn more about the water crisis?

I had always intended to follow up and donate to the campaign... and then I forgot. But Light the World has reminded me. More importantly, it has reminded my children... and there is no way they will let me forget again.

Therefore, today's good deed will be for my family to donate to My kids are going to do some extra chores around the house in order to earn their portion of the donation.

Nearly 1 out of every 5 deaths under the age of 5 worldwide is due to a water-related disease.

Here are some facts and statistics about the water crisis from another charity called The Water Project:

  • 783 million people do not have access to clean and safe water worldwide.

  • 319 million people in Sub-Saharan Africa are without access to improved reliable drinking water sources

  • 1 in 9 people world wide do not have access to safe and clean drinking water.

  • 443 million school days are lost each year due to water-related diseases.

  • In developing countries, as much as 80% of illnesses are linked to poor water and sanitation conditions.

  • 1 in 3 people, or 2.4 billion, are without improved sanitation facilities.

  • Exposure to unsafe drinking water, inadequate sanitation and poor hygiene is a leading cause of cholera and a variety of infectious and tropical diseases in the African Region.

  • Half of the world's hospital beds are filled with people suffering from a water-related disease.

  • Of Sub-Saharan healthcare facilities, 42% lack an improved water source within 500m, 16% lack improved sanitation, and 36% lack soap for hand washing.

  • Women and girls are responsible for water collection in seven out of ten households in 45 developing countries.

  • Over half of the developing world's primary schools don't have access to water and sanitation facilities. Without toilets, girls often drop out at puberty.

  • Less than one in three people in Sub-Saharan Africa have access to a proper toilet.

  • Nearly 1 out of every 5 deaths under the age of 5 worldwide is due to a water-related disease.

  • According to the World Health Organization, for every $1 invested in water and sanitation, there is an economic return of between $3 and $34.

  • By investing in clean water alone, young children around the world can gain more than 413 million days of health.

  • The United Nations estimates that Sub-Saharan Africa alone loses 40 billion hours per year collecting water; the same as an entire year's labor in all of France.

I was thirsty, and ye gave me drink.


Image Links 1, 2, 3, 4, 5

For more information on #lighttheworld, please visit

@gavvet wrote about day 1. I just took care of day 2. Now we need someone from the community to inspire others on day 3. Tomorrow's theme is: "Wherefore it is lawful to do well on the sabbath days." You can find more information here.

If a post is especially creative and inspiring, @gavvet and I will reward that post with a significant up-vote. Then that person can choose the "winner" for day 6.

If you decide to participate by creating your own post for day 3, please make sure to use the #lighttheworld tag and include the day's video, theme and link, as we have done.

Although we will be on the lookout for great #lighttheworld posts every day, we will definitely need contributions on days 3, 6, 9, 12, 15, 18, 21, and 24.

My daughter MJ just asked if I would add this picture. In it, the kid is thinking "I love good water." Santa is then putting the water under the tree as gifts for people who need it. Santa has clearly been drinking a lot of water and exercising. Good for Santa!

Screen Shot 2017-12-02 at 7.59.32 PM.png

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This is great post We should think about people who dont have water to drink and we should stop wasting water :) I love your #lighttheworld idea and cant wait to see next post ;) Also, I would appreciate if you could check out my profile, I am new to Steemit :)

New to steemit? Well jump right into the #lighttheworld campaign. We are hoping these posts will get a lot of attention.

Tomorrow @gavvet and I need someone to write an excellent piece for day 3 of light the world. One of the 'entires" will get a pretty big vote or two.

Check out his and mine as an example and follow theses parameters:

If you decide to participate by creating your own post for day 3, please make sure to use the #lighttheworld tag and include the day's video, theme and link, as we have done.
Although we will be on the lookout for great #lighttheworld posts every day, we will definitely need contributions on days 3, 6, 9, 12, 15, 18, 21, and 24.

Same here :D will check u out if u do the same :P

As a citizen of nigeria,an oil rich country (though mismanaged),i can say first hand that lack of portable drinking water accounts for most deaths in the northern part of the country. It is therefore heartwarming that causes like this exist. It is hoped that proceeds from donations go to the right people as most times ,things like this are mismanaged. More grease to your elbow and thanks for the writeup

I agree. I have donated to before and this is surreal because just today I was wondering how I can contribute this Christmas season. I thought of but forgot. This is a sign from God that I have to do my part however small. I also like what you are doing and would love to contribute. Day 12 sounds feasible for me or any day not weekends cos I work weekends. Great write up.

This is wonderful! I too had forgotten and this campaign reminded me. Thanks for sharing!

For now we shall never thirst for we drink from Fountain of Life itself; near God's throne in the new Israel. < 3

We've got to figure out how to distribute resources and food to the third world. I think if we can (as a collective) develope blockchain technologies like BitCoin and Ethereum than this feet must be possible. Let's see someone develop a crypto platform for microloans for poorer countries! Let's see decentralized resource distribution schemes employed vs. NGO's and UN making the problem worse. We can solve this problem with pure democracy. That's the trouble though-- The people in these parts of the world don't get to participate in democracy. They might get to participate in a local or national level elections but they don't have any economic say in what effects them. Decentralized technology has the power to correct this I think. I'm not sure how exactly yet but it will. It has to!

I agree 100%. I truly believe that Steem can help so many people in the world.

If you have a chance, take a look at some of the other days (especially 3,6,9,12,15,18,21,24). We need some community members to join in.

Right on. I'm down. Really excited to see that there's a community of practicing Christians here on SteemIt. Crypto seems to share an essential spirit in some way with those most beloved of Christian communites that existed in the 1st and 2nd centuries ("And they had all things in common") so I think the Lord looks favorably upon the whole thing.

Render unto Caesar what is Caesar's and Render unto God what is God's; take the difference and invest in BitCoin futures! (;P just kidding)

What's interesting is that I am actually not very religious. But... I am all for the most important lessons of all religions. Especially the Golden/Silver rule.

that is one of the reasons I am so humbled that @gavvet invited me to participate. His faith is very strong, yet he has allowed me to participate in this initiative because it is universally Good.

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Tomorrow @gavvet and I need someone to write an excellent piece for day 3 of light the world. One of the 'entires" will get a pretty big vote or two.

Check out his and mine as an example and follow theses parameters:

If you decide to participate by creating your own post for day 3, please make sure to use the #lighttheworld tag and include the day's video, theme and link, as we have done.
Although we will be on the lookout for great #lighttheworld posts every day, we will definitely need contributions on days 3, 6, 9, 12, 15, 18, 21, and 24.

what does this mean? I thought this Light the World event came from a specific foundation/organization; can any of us in any country participate? :D blessings!

Oh yes. Please participate. part of the goal of the program is for regular people to share it on social media. @gavvet and I are trying to do that on steemit. The more participants the better! So it doesn't matter what country or what religion. If you think these are good lessons that should be spread... then spread the word to #lighttheworld.

Beautiful, I love this. I think I have a couple of projects like these to get involved in, or at least to promote. I will soon, if all goes well. May the Lord bless his children this Christmas... Let his Light radiate through us.

By the way, would u be able to tell me if it is okay to upvote my own comment like I did there? Thanks again


Do not, my friends, become addicted to water. It will take hold of you, and you will resent its absence!

-immortan Joe (from Mad Max Fury Road)

Africa doesnt have to be like Mad Max world... @tj4real @xpency @richforever @mcsamm @kwakumax @anaman can spread the word of Ecola Blue Atmospheric Water Generators and start building or ordering them ($1200 each or cheaper smaller ones) that create 8 gallons of water a day (more in humid sub saharan african climate) and water from the air using gasoline and solar power can be the big solution... and start researching hydrogen fuel and get ahead of the game!

That sounds like very interesting technology. I hope people will be able to take advantage of all viable options.

Wow, this is inspiring. I think I will follow in your trail, @hanshotfirst and donate to

In fact, forget the "I think." I will, right now.

Beautiful! That made my morning!

Leaving in a place where there are more taps to turn than thirst to quench we tend to forget that people live in the opposite world, where water out of a tap is the rare occurrence.

Thanks for sharing.

This information really surprised my kids. A big part of this is educating the world. We can't solve a problem if no one knows it exists.

every body enjoy there memory

This is such a beautiful initiative!
Have you seen this YouTube video?

May I take day 12?

That video is awesome! Thank you for sharing it.

Sure! We hope 100 people take it. The more the better!

for sure, anybody can take day 12

A very good article:
Each Christmas, we celebrate the life of Jesus Christ, the Light of the World. By following His teachings, we let his light shine—in our lives and in the lives of others. This year, use this calendar for inspiration as you plan your Christmas activities to help #LightTheWorld by serving those in need.

There are two hanshotfirst profiles on Discord. Are you 2081 or 2977? I would love to participate one of the days, last year I began bringing awareness to an epidemic (mainly in USA but spreading elsewhere) that not only holds a disabling stigma but is also growing at an alarming rate.

try him on steemit chat

I do have a discord profile but I use it very little. If you want to assure it is really me I am hanshotfirst on steemit chat.

Your post today was excellent! Day 6 will be an official contest day.

Here are the guidelines I have been giving to interested participants.

Tomorrow @gavvet and I need someone to write an excellent piece for day 3 of light the world. One of the 'entires" will get a pretty big vote or two.

Check out his and mine as an example and follow theses parameters:

If you decide to participate by creating your own post for day 3, please make sure to use the #lighttheworld tag and include the day's video, theme and link, as we have done.
Although we will be on the lookout for great #lighttheworld posts every day, we will definitely need contributions on days 3, 6, 9, 12, 15, 18, 21, and 24.

Oh, so I somehow am way ahead, having just posted Day 4?

Can I backtrack to day 3?

We already picked a winner for day 3 but... I was able to give you a reward for today's. I really enjoyed it!

Oh, ok. I understand. I think. Lol.

Thank you, I'm very appreciative :)

I'm planning on creating for each day of this, this is a beautiful reminder and absolutely perfect for the season!

I too has feel sad when i look back my old days while wasting water!!

This is a mind touching post
life is very dificult without water,
We need to drik water daily.
Because water is the another name of life.

Name on water is life so we can not think anything without water. Thank you very much for posting like this one.

The above quote "She's not my daughter but she has the same wander in her eyes" is so deep and has alot of wisdom to be understood that each of us are humans and that girl is no other less than your daughter. It's amazing! Something we all need to learn.

#lighttheworld, This is one of the greatest post i have ever read, it's not about fictional sttuff but its's about the problems, suffering and pains people under go every day.

To many people it may seem as a fictional story, or a cook up one but i tell you the truth it is what is going on every day in most under developed countries around the globe.

To you that is wasting water and never realizing that there are some who don't even have i hope you have learnt you lesson.

I urge everyone to join hands and spread this information around so that this great menace should be overcomed so that we can be free totally from it's firm grip that is hunting our fellow humans in other country done.

Also if you are in a position that you can assist in any way please do not hesitate to render you assistance in any capacity.

Thanks #lighttheworld for this great information i pray it have really served it's purpose.


This is a Relly great campaign. Truly, a Christmas day is a day for us to remember the God, but the real meaning of this day is how to be the best man on the world who always provide help to others. #Lighttheworld is not just a tag, this is a warning from almighty God that we live our life not only for us, but also for helping people around us. Thanks to @gavvet for #Lighttheword tag. @gavvet reminds us to be kind to others. Thanks

wow... beautiful... that pic with boy and the water pipe and the sun behind... brilliant, magical... our God is full of wonders

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Beautiful post!

Thank you very much. I really enjoyed writing it. My kids enjoyed participating.

Truly great post.Water is essential to life, but many don't have access to it. It's really sad. I always try to contribute when I see fundraising on building a well or water treatment plant in developing country. Though, that crisis may also touch my country in tens years if we won't stop waisting our clean water reservour. Stay blessed.

Good point. It is wonderful that you contribute to help others.

Thanks for letting us know!

The pure water's name is Life. No one can walk without water. Thank you very much for writing such a nice article on water.
Thnx for sharing
I hope you succes

That's right; the Lord is the Water of Life, the Fountain, the Bread of Life, and Life itself... <3

The pure water's name is Life.

Haha bad joke man. Life-giving water has a name: Jesus the Christ, and he is Life itself.

Africa is the richest continent ever in everything yet they are suffering most. Why?

I don't like to be judgemental, but I would say Africa is a backwards continent... Civilization has never actually flourished on it, has it? Some examples of success could be the ancient Empires of Mali or Ethiopia (I see this and wonder if it is just a theory ), but those could be made-up... Also, I would say the Lord our God has somehow decreed it wrong to worship their idols and to practice their tribal occult arts, such as those of the Yoruba or the Swahili.

That would have to be a very vengeful god. I prefer to think of love. It seems that humans have had a hand in exploiting the people and resources of many places throughout history. I am not very religious but I believe those humans were acting against love and god.

Hmmm... it is an interesting way of looking at it. Nevertheless, it is indeed easy to blame others for one's own flaws; God is clearly against many African practices, but they endure to this day. I would not blame Europeans for Latin American flaws; that is our own fault. We are lucky to have had European civilization, languages and religion (and especially CHRISTIAN SPIRITUALITY) coming our way, otherwise we would still be worshiping the Sun like the Inca or murdering and eating each other like the Mayans.

#fuk your god fuk your evil bible.
Evil bible creates evil ignorant like you that's it. bible is a worst evil book ever on earth, islam is more better than book of evil.

Go learn some English dude, you are not making yourself clear.

The Bible is not an evil book. Not at all. Muhammad used it partially to create the Quran. Jesus the Christ and Mary the Virgin are both mentioned in the Quran. Abraham is mentioned in both books, just as Isaac and Ishmael. You are embarrassing yourself by writing such nonsense bro, God bless you.


@hanshotfirst Acting against love and the One God ... maybe.

A hand they've had indeed, but do you think that escaped the Lord's plans? Not at all.

They were instruments, and though God is not vengeful, I know first hand of two prime examples of what I say: the USA is a rich and prosperous Nation, founded on the Christian principles of the founding fathers. Venezuela and Cuba on the other hand have worshiped for decades idols of Santeria and Yoruba pantheon... Look at where they are now.

PS BTW did you already watch The Last Jedi? 😄

That is because of evil west and Western.
They century ago they went with evil bible and killed millions, made slave, created war , robbed hold and dimond. don't vomit about god, we are just witness of WW2 war and ongoing middle east war made by west. christianity is dividing society and Western government is robbing the nation, in conclusion they are working together to robe the unadvanced civilization. nothing about god all about evil. Thanks!

@musicfromsoul LOL Thanks? for not flagging your stuff I suppose! Palestinians and Arabs are the violent ones, not the West. If you are referring to Israel, that land was given to them by both GOD and men, period. The UN decided it, and we see no Arab nation leaving the UN, do we? That part about the past, first of all is in the past, second of all, those were Catholics and their crooked Popes who did that, NOT Christians per se... The Vatican is indeed an evil entity to this day, but don't you dare catalogue us all into your tiny box of ideas, Mr. "Music From Soul"... Hope to God that soul of yours gets bleached a bit... Blessings.

Water is life

Water is the most essential medium of chemical reactions, whether it is either indirect or indirect. 50-70% of the human body's structural component is water. As a simple one, about forty liters. The water requirements for the human body are infinite. People can live without food for several weeks, but can not survive for more than a few days without water.

Water is needed for everyday use. According to World Health Organization's recommendations, a person needs 7.5 liter water to meet daily needs. Besides, it may require around 20 liters of water for other daily needs. As a result, 74 million people do not get the chance to drink pure water.
so water is life
It's great to read your post....So many many thanks @hanshotfirst

nice post great working @hanshotfirst keep it up

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Videos and pictures are available. A lot of nice posts. The post reminds me that you say something about some helpless people. Am i okay

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Congratulations @hanshotfirst, this post is the second most rewarded post (based on pending payouts) in the last 12 hours written by a Superhero or Legend account holder (accounts hold greater than 100 Mega Vests). The total number of posts by Superhero and Legend account holders during this period was 30 and the total pending payments to posts in these categories was $1564.66. To see the full list of highest paid posts across all accounts categories, click here.

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actually enough words about your info but gold

Hayati yormaya gerek yok @ebruaydogdu ve @bahadirk . Hayat guzeldir.kirmaya incitmeye gerek yok uzmeye dagitmaya yorulmaya gerek yok.csniniz ne istiyorsa nasil istiyorsa oyle yapin.gezin tozun eglenin coşun sevin sevilin.iyi gunde kotu gunde saklanin . Kendinize iyi bakin.
Post icin de tesekkur ederim anilarim depreşti uzatmiyim hayat guzeldir ne olursa yasamaya deger

This post was very informative thank you for sharing
you have my upvote plus a resteem

Wow ! Beautiful post.. @hanshotfirst

Good information and really makes us stop and think what is really important and that we can all be helpful.

Plzz follow me

We have have keep post more blog ,, and promote the post .
We need more visitors to keep us up.

yeah golden words for light.
there is very important us...

excelente iniciativa

This is a great idea. I am going to try and remember to participate.

That's a real emotional story yaar, make me proud your mention able daughter's eyes , and the 3 to 24 are awesome countdown! make it LOL @hanshotfirst

Our small efforts in our own ways can be of a little help to a lot of people !
Didn't know about all that details about water crisis will be careful from now on to not waste any water !

#lighttheworld is awesome !
Just wondering if your lds?

Amazing post I too love to share god's love by volunteer work

So guter Bericht

Very nice post ^_^

Congratulations @hanshotfirst!
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  • Pending payout - Ranked 8 with $ 169,79

Sir i am already working on thrust first i showed me work to people but now i work but doesn't tell any one i saw your post and i want to share with you my work

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