"Ye must watch and pray always."#LightTheWorld day 24

in #lighttheworld7 years ago (edited)

Prayer can be a difficult one, I suppose its like any form of verbal communication and relationship maintenance.

There are times that one feels close and connected and others not so much.

Being not so much of a verbal communicator myself and rather independent and self-sufficient, I find it easy to slip out of the groove of earnest dependent prayer.

I suppose that's why our lives have bumps in the road and jolts to our comfortable little routines. It's in these times of an increased sense of vulnerability that I find my prayers become more earnest more meaningful and ultimately more productive.

It's a shame that we don't always reach out to the extended hand of a loving Father in Heaven as much as we could; but that is life.

We are here to learn and experience many things and building a bond and relationship with our loving Father on Heaven, whom we cannot currently see, is one of them.

It is in prayer that we can often most keenly feel His presence and it is often in answer to earnest prayer that we receive our greatest comfort, guidance and inspiration.

Jesus taught:

"Ye must watch and pray always."

—3 Nephi 18:15

Prayer is the simple communication between God the Father and His beloved children. God has promised to answer the prayers of those who humbly ask.


  • Has something small or big worked out for you today?
    Recognize God’s blessings by saying a prayer to give Him thanks.

  • Feel like you’re not getting answers to your prayers?
    Ask God to help you be an answer to someone else’s prayer.

  • How many people do you know who could really use a heartfelt prayer?
    Say a prayer in which you never mention your own needs but instead pray solely for them.

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@gavvet, Brilliant topic discussion in this moment. Its grateful one.
The scriptures are chock full of verses admonishing us to pray to our Heavenly Father. The commandment to pray can sometimes be a tricky one because prayers can easily become redundant and repetitive. I know I catch myself saying the same thing over and over in my prayers on a regular basis—I have to be very mindful to make my prayers meaningful and truly talk to God.
I've noticed it's the same for my children as I listen to their prayers. It's human nature to fall into the habit of just saying a prayer and not really being aware of the words you are saying. On the other hand, The Maestro is a wonderful example of how to pray thoughtfully and I love to listen to his prayers because he truly communicates with our Father in Heaven.
Thank you for giving opportunity.

I say this moment 'MERRY XMAS TO YOU!!!"

very good post man god blees you

Thank you man & wish you the same.... Also merry xmas to you...

Only most spiritual and dedicated people pray every day. Most of us we do it only when we hit rock bottom or we face whit huge problem that we can not resolve. I agree, it is a shame. At the morning I always do the gratitude journal, which in way is recognizing God blessings.

Wow... I'm very impressed i must say. Its very rare to see someone talk about prayer and God without trying to impose it on other people.
The almighty has done so much for us, we just keep identifying the little problems that are only meant to make us strong, and neglecting his infinite mercies and provision.
Thank you for this reflection, i've forgotten how to appreciate God. I would to turn a new live. Thanks once more for this.

Prayer does not always need to be with words, continuous prayer can be found in actions.

Hello @gavvet that good writing, there is an incredible power in prayer, it is through it that our spirit is nourished with God's, where we change, and where he reveals to us his nature of mercy and love, I also made my contribution about what I think of this beautiful script. https://steemit.com/lighttheworld/@darlenys01/the-power-of-prayer-day-24-lightheworld

Prayer is awesome. I believe meditation is just the same and do that every morning. It helps my life so much. Thanks @gavvet! Happy Holidays

me as a small person ... desperately needs the attention of you high-ranking @mahmuddin need follow and upvote from all of you to be like you guys ..

We should be happy with what we have then crying but what we dont have. As many people dont even have those thing.

God knows what we need even before we ask. And he answers our request for help in a way we may not understand. As he answers or request for others in a way we may not understand. Glory to God.

I believe in the power of prayer, good energy and positive thoughts or having a optimistic attitude always works well.

whenever we worry, and try to figure out “how” our situation will be resolved. Saying prayers always help us to replace worry with with hope of something positive. It doesn’t matter how we pray or what words we use, but only that we do pray sincerely from our heart.

Prayer brings us into direct communication with God, and our angels. When we are speaking directly to these powerful beings of love and light, we are ensuring that our desires and needs are expressed. Just as asking for help opens the door to Divine abundance, prayer can have powerful effects on every aspect of our life.

I believe, There is no such thing as an unanswered prayer. While we may not receive the specific response we’re hoping for, it is reassuring to remember that we always receive the one we need. We are not always aware of the myriad variables that surround a situation, as our human view is very limited. God has no such limitation and can follow any path to its highest and best outcome.

Merry Christmas to you and your family @gavvet! 🎄🎉🎊

Always be thankful in what you have and what you could have. If you know what I mean?

Wow! Great post and amazing concept. Prayer is an invocation or act that seeks to activate a rapport with an object of worship through deliberate communication.💙💚
Prayer can be a form of religious practice, may be either individual or communal and take place in public or in private. It may involve the use of words, song or complete silence. When language is used, prayer may take the form of a hymn, incantation, formal creedal statement, or a spontaneous utterance in the praying person. There are different forms of prayer such as petitionary prayer, prayers of supplication, thanksgiving, and praise. Prayer may be directed towards a deity, spirit, deceased person, or lofty idea, for the purpose of worshipping, requesting guidance, requesting assistance, confessing transgressions (sins) or to express one's thoughts and emotions. Thus, people pray for many reasons such as personal benefit or for the sake of others (called intercession).
Some anthropologists believe that the earliest intelligent modern humans practiced a form of prayer. Today, most major religions involve prayer in one way or another; some ritualize the act, requiring a strict sequence of actions or placing a restriction on who is permitted to pray, while others teach that prayer may be practiced spontaneously by anyone at any time. I really loved your post. Thanks @gavvet for sharing this post. 💖

Have a glorious day!!


Merry Christmas!!🎊🎉🎀🎀🎈🎈🎄🎄🎁🎁🎁

Prayer is the practice of the presence of God. It is the place where pride is abandoned, hope is lifted, and supplication is made. Prayer is the place of admitting our need, of adopting humility, and claiming dependence upon God. Prayer is the needful practice of every religions. Prayer is the exercise of faith and hope. Prayer is the privilege of touching the heart of the Father through the Son of God.💛
Every holly books speaks much of prayer. But, sometimes, too often, we ignore prayer and seek to accomplish in the strength of our own wills those things that we desire to have or happen. For those of us who are too often guilty of this, we need to bow our knees, confess our sin, receive God's forgiveness, and beg that the will of the Lord be done above our own. God is sovereign and loving and He knows what is best for us and others, even if it doesn't always seem to make the most sense.
We so often come to the Lord with legitimate requests for healing, conversions, and needs and yet the answers we hope for often do not come. We wonder and sometimes doubt. Yet, we persevere and praise God. We pray because we know that God hears us and because we desire to see results. We should pray by faith, trusting God. We should pray consistently, trusting God. We should pray for healing, trusting God. Thanks @gavvet for sharing this post.😊💙

Merry Christmas 🎁 🎁

Unfortunately, we pray only when we feel helpless. At least that is what I realized, I did during the last years. I feel sorry and I always start asking God to forgive me for getting more away from Him. We should all pray and thank God even when we don't have problems but in that moments we forget.

Great message prayer is the key to open all doors....merry Christmas to you all

really we should pray every day, close ourselves to god, be a good person for others.
Merry Christmas @gavvet and everyone...

Oh yeah, an excellent article and very relevant during the holy holiday! I think that the importance and significance of prayer is very great. Prayer is a pier for the weary, an anchor for waves shaken by waves, a cane of the infirm, a treasure of the poor, a stronghold of the rich, a destroyer of diseases, a guardian of health. Prayer preserves our goodness undoubtedly and soon eliminates evil if temptation catches us, it easily drives it away, if there is a loss of property or anything else that causes sorrow to our soul, all this it soon erases. Thank you @gavvet and happy Christmas!

If you do not pray truly, do not have a true memory of God, then it is unbearably difficult to live - a true life. Therefore, one who does not pray often becomes discouraged. And then this state becomes chronic, and no matter what spiritual there is in principle no strength. The prayer is a thread connecting us to God. It must be, because without it it is very difficult.

Such a valuable post @gavvet! First of all, Merry Christmas to you! 🎄

Yes, Prayers always work within the time frame of an ordained true mission, according to our divine plan. To assure the outcome is what the Creators wants and needs for that moment. All prayers are answered and many have been turned back with broken hearts because their belief that they were not heard or answered, But, their prayer was answered, but they didn't hear or noticed it.

For me, Every time I prayed, it always yielded a positive outcome. ☺💚

merry christmas. i like post my friend

Merry christmas... @gavvet.

video is very cool comrade

happy christmas.......
enjoy with your family and friends

Thank God for giving me the power to do help the needy during the holiday season.

Excellent trading video thanks for sharing @gavvet and your post resteemed

be patience...
hopefullt christmas will bring you a special something.
happy christmas

thanks, prayer always helps me

Vote me please

Every day i pray before i login to STEEMIT, it has been a great year @gavvet. Merry Christmas!

Excellent! I will subscribe to your blog!

Excellent trading video ,Merry christmas...

The Hebrew root of 'to pray' , לתבול (Leet-bol), or to attach oneself to something higher (G-d). Marry Christmas!

Nice post

Prayers in action are the footsteps of God. Lets all try to walk that walk. Peace!

thanks for the video <3

Sensational post! Thank you very much for sharing! Pray, hope and don't worry! Positive energy! :)

#lighttheworld definitely great campaign work by @gavvet. Nice video indeed. Prayer trap is only praying for the things you need or want, and forgetting to be grateful for the things you already have. Making it a point to thank God for all He has done for you is so important.

Happy Christmas to you all and Amen!!!!

Hi buddy, the word is the Prayer of what we say God hears our voice because God is the listener, May each of our prayers God grant what we want, we can only hope God determines ..! that's my opinion. thanks for sharing

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It's a wonderful message in this X'mas time and thanks for sharing. I wish you a Merry X'mas too!


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