Thunderstorms due to rising: Five districts are risky in the country

in #lightning6 years ago

Environmental changes around the world in recent times is an important topic. Especially due to climate change, the trend of natural disasters such as flood, drought, sea level rise, river erosion, cyclone, overcrowding, thunderstorm etc has increased. However, loss of life due to thunderstorm for several days has increased over the past. This increase is the result of the change in the climate and climate change environment.
On Wednesday, lightning struck 22 people and 15 wounded in the country. Every year, there is an increase in lightning and loss of property. But there is a question of public concern about why the lightning is rising.
Dhaka University's Department of Disaster Science and Management Professor Dr. Maksud Kamal said that electricity is flowing through human body. It's like an electric shock. In the same way, when people are scorched when electricity is flowing, people are scorched with lightning and death. He said that due to the cloud friction in the cloud or the thick and dark clouds of cloud clouds, it flows as two pools. Because of this, lightning flows and thunderstorms arise. In recent years the density of black clouds increased. Suddenly the amount of rainfall increased.He said that due to climate change, climate change, changing the length of trees, black clouds in the sky, increasing the number of friction in the clouds, raising mobile phone towers, temperature rise, and temperature rise are one of the reasons for thunderbolt.
Professor of Electrical and Electronic Engineering Department of Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology. Md. Ziaur Rahman Khan said that when people work under open sky, more thunderstorms are affected. Only a little careful about this can save yourself. If you see a dark cloud in the sky, you have to move to a safe place. Haor and open areas are not far from the big trees, no plants are there. Can be standing under a high tree. But more time can not be under the tree. To take shelter under the safe camp. Before heading, people's hair was stacked. This is a warning. Soon be quick to be careful.
According to the Meteorological Department, lightning is more or less throughout the year. However, from March to October, the increase in the rate of buz pot. The five districts in the country are most prone to thunderstorms. These are Srimangal, Sylhet, Mymensingh, Faridpur and Syedpur. These five districts have an average of 324, 324, 206, 195 and 179 thunderstorms annually. And thirteen thirteen thunderstorms in the capital average yearly.
Professor of Geography and Environmental Science Department of Rajshahi University. Md. Mizanur Rahman said that to understand the occurrence of thunderstorm, there must be two ideas. First, the angle of sunlight falling from the nirrah region to the poles region. Second, the vertical expanse of the atmospheric layers. The illumination encloses east-west along the middle of the Earth. From here, the north and the south pole are at equal distances. The sun radiates nearly all year long and in the polar regions it is diagonally shaky. As a result, the nirbhas region remains hot throughout the year and polar regions are cool. That is why there is a thunderstorm in the equatorial region (tropical).
On the other side, the troposphere is adjacent to the surface adjacent to the surface, according to the vertical expanse of the atmosphere. Then the stratosphere, the mesosphere and the thermosphere. The average depth of the troposphere is about 12 kilometers above the surface of the surface, up to 47-48 kilometers above the stratosphere troposphere, up to 80 kilometers above the stratosphere of the Mesosphere, and the thermosphere or ionosphere on the Mesosphere. The vertical flare of temperature increases or decreases after following these levels of the atmosphere. The temperature in the troposphere decreases and the last limit is stable, which is called tropopause.
Then the temperature increases in the stratosphere and is stable in the last boundary, which is called stratospasm. Then the temperature in the Mesosphere decreases and remains stable in the last boundary, which is called mesopause. The temperature reaches the ionosphere at the top of the mesophee and at the top of this level the temperature is about 1380 centigrade. One of the catalysts for the occurrence of this ionosphere thunderbolt The main components of the ionosphere are molecular nitrogen and atomic oxygen. These two components absorb the sun's gamma and X-ray. As a result, each molecule and atom creates positive electrons which are more commonly known as ions. These free ions creates rings around the Earth.
The positive electrical charge comes to the Earth from the ionosphere in normal or cloudy weather. Thus, only the positive electrical charge would have come to the negative effect of the Earth's negative electrical power within 10 minutes. Negative electrical charge during the thunderstorms and continues to be the world's negative charge. Almost 1800 lightning storms help to keep the Earth's negative electrical charge at its peak every moment.
Let's come here, in the process of creating electric charges in cloud formation and clouds. Due to the presence of sunflower in the daytime, due to water vapor and soil erosion, water released due to the expansion of plants leads to the top of the atmosphere. It is to be noted that due to the excessive amount of sun ray lying in the equatorial regions, the rate of steam-processing in this region is high. This water vapor gets up and cools down. At one stage, when reaching Himang, the other small particles, including the dust located in the atmosphere, begin to become concentrated in the water, which is then turned into ice particles when it is cold and more cool. Thus the clouds are created. How to generate electricity in Kalbeishakhi (lightning storm) is still not fully realized.
Read more: What you should do to survive lightning
However, electricity generated by storm generating snowfall (rock) is generated. At the time of the formation of ice pack, the outermost part of the water can be converted into ice and gradually the center of the concrete dam. In this process, the positive charge on the cold outside of the ice and negative charges in the relatively warm core are formed. At that time, the rocks were broken and the winds moved by the positive charged rocks and the negatively charged rocks descended to the bottom of the clouds. As a result, the surface of the cloud is charged positively and the following share is negatively charged. Due to the earth's gravity, the charge is divided into this process. Thunderbolt arises due to the positive charge coming from the ionosphere to Earth and the negative charge in the bottom of the storm.
To save from thunderstorm:
Professor Dr. Md. Mizanur Rahman said that it is very important to have every human being to know about the time of lightning. Especially those who work in the field work outside the house are at high risk. Since the electrical field is created through spraying of the negative charge of the underground cloud and the positive charge of the earth, and whatever falls within this field burns due to excessive heat. Therefore, it is necessary to stay away from the contact with such objects, such as tall trees, electric poles, mobile towers etc. Because the space or the place is as close as possible to the cloud, the greater the likelihood of lightning.
If you are in the roof or high position of the house, you will have to go from there to a safer place. You should be careful when watching the cloud (storm clouds) in the season and take shelter in safe place before the start of the rain. It is safer to take shelter in a ripe house. If there is a high rise of habit, then there should be lightning resistance. It is better not to be near the window during the thunderbolt It is more safe to stay behind the rubber sandals on foot and to avoid water and any metallic objects such as stairs or balcony, railings, water calls, etc.. Must stay away from the touch of any body conducting electricity. It is not safe to live in ponds or ponds.
Lightning separates the electronic components of the home, which are connected to an electrical connection or disc. Otherwise there is possibility of burning. Besides, they should be discontinued if they are closed. If there is a thunderstorm in the open space in the field, then you should have your eyes closed by holding your fingers in the ear. However, you will not be able to lie on the ground, because if you fall into the ground, the probability of the surface of the electricity increases. When the situation of lightning occurs in the car, it is safe to stay in the car. However, it is important to remember that you should avoid contact with any metal parts.
House of concrete is much safer than tin house, even concrete buildings are more secure. However, all home-based engineers will have to use lightning resistance system. Arranging systems should be installed properly in connection with the connections of electrical connections.
Plenty of high quality species of trees should be planted in the field. Those injured in lightning are treated like injured people in electrical electric shocks. Effective measures should be taken to remove electrical charge from the body quickly. Do not be disturbed by the unusual behavior of the injured person and will be taken to the medical center.
Public awareness will be made by the government through propaganda campaign. The educational institution should be attached as a textbook so that the students are aware of the matter. Remember to know about thunderstorms and to know what to do. To save lives from the thunderstorm image