WORD: World Order Restoring Doctrine (John 1:1-7)

in #light7 years ago

In the beginning, God believed. Therefore, God spoke. That which God believed and spoke was the Word that was in the beginning with God. It was the Word of God's faith.

At the right time in the course of human history, God made the Word of His faith to be covered with the body of a little boy who was descended from David, King of Judah and Israel, through His mother. That boy became a man who was the Light of the world.

At the time that Light came, all men were in darkness for they all lived in the fear of death. And, it had been that way for a very long time - ever since the first Adam gave his support to a lie told about God. That lie was a lie that, both, became the source of the fear of death in mankind, and, began bringing disorder into the world God had been pleased with - a world the dominion of which had belonged to men advised by Himself.

All that being so, that Light that came was, also, the Life of mankind. The darkness could not comprehend the Light. A world that was not run according to the fear of death made no sense. Nevertheless, some believed; and, those who believed came to the Light - even though that Light manifested their sin.

The rest loved the darkness because their deeds were evil. They loved the world that allowed the increase of disorder.