hey guys! this is my first post to Dtube! all my other videos wont upload... im not sure why. i think they might be too long for DTard. unfortunate. Im not going to spend all the countless hours ive already spent in editing and production for youtube just so that theyll fit on dtube. talk about my LIFE being ruled by social media content production... :/
Lifting The Veil has been hit with a guidelines strike against my channel for "h8 speech". I will not be able to host livestreams for over 3 months. Until then, i will be tiptoeing on eggshells in tutu wearing tapshoes. Ive got several of the most hard hitting films youve ever seen coming out, in production right meaow! STAY TUNED! LIFTING THE VEIL IS BACK BETTER THAN EVER !
MUCH LOVE, PEACE AND WISDOM!@Lifting_TheVeil is now on all social media.
All of my full video presentations and articles can be found at patreon.com/LiftingTheVeil for full #esoteric film presentations, research articles, livestream hangouts, lessons and so much more mind blowing esoteric content on #theology, #mythology, #etymology and #language, #symbolism, #science, #biology, #health and so much more!
facebook: www.facebook.com/Takinghumanityback
facebook personal: https://www.facebook.com/cullen.smith.73?hc_ref=ARRooXjp1fu_A01bOpFp9OlO0gjZLJXHzVBPyUZXZxJ5Oq-fEulGiT5cAuHzQ6WsjTg steemit: https://steemit.com/@lifting-theveil BitChute: https://www.bitchute.com/channel/AHrpUJnBCZWN/ twitter: https://twitter.com/Lifing_TheVeil Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/lifting_theveil/ minds: https://www.minds.com/cullensmithliftingtheveil