Tuesday of Legends (The treasure of the hill)

in #lifetrail7 years ago

Fuente: Pixabay

Thank you very much dear friends for the company and reading my post, the days have passed very quickly, again we have arrived on Tuesday, the day in which my blog becomes mystical and magical, it is time to pause and enjoy a reading with the charm of a legend, natural or supernatural facts of life, magical episodes that our grandparents told us, or that loving reading that our parents gave us before sleeping. I invite you to travel through time and enjoy a beautiful legend as we did in our childhood.

The legend of today will take us to a magical place. Mendoza Argentina. A beautiful place full of mysticism, where big people become children again, even if it is not for a moment and remember the beautiful stories of their childhood.

The legend of today is inspired by "The midwife and the treasure" the story speaks of a midwife very recognized by the results of her services, in an opportunity is required to save the life of a young woman, in doing so she will receive a great reward, a beautiful legend that begins like this.

Many years ago in a coquettish town of Mendoza there was an old tapera, in it lived an extremely poor woman and unfortunately could not keep it, the passage of time was deteriorating, that could make a woman alone and by profession doula, the little money What he earned with his work was only enough for one meal a day.

The doula was very loved by all, the neighbors had the intention of helping her, however the generalized crisis did not allow them, for this reason the poor woman works all day for a miserable coins.

The result of their work was known to everyone, they even came from other cities to attend the labor, in all their years of midwife had never had complications, which is why their services were very required.

One afternoon in the fall and shortly before nightfall, an indigenous Inca community showed up in the old taberna, the midwife gladly welcomed the Indians and made them pass by in their humble home. The visitors commented that they rode for several days to reach their home. home, they came in search of him so that he could save the life of the Inca princess.

Upon hearing the news, the doula prepared all its elements with the intention of leaving at that moment, however the first snow did not allow them, for this reason they spent the night in the old tapera, the humble woman did not have money to give After having dined all his guests, he still put at the disposal of the community the little breath he had, took several bags of flour and bread for the road, some of the Indians collaborated with the production of bread.

Luckily the next day the storm stopped allowing them to undertake the trip, rode several days in the direction of the highest mountain in Mendoza, which today is known as the Aconcagua, in a stretch of the trip something caught the attention of the midwife , apparently they walked in a circle, it was an Indian strategy so that the woman did not know the way back to the indigenous community.

After a long time of riding in a circle they reached the top of a large hill, at that time the midwife could not say where she was, she only remembered that she entered a huge cavern with shiny stones, with some rays of the sun the stones shone like gold

At the end of the cave was the cacique with his princess, the young woman lay on the floor with a baby at birth, seeing the danger of the situation the doula did his job, several hours hard labor, the beautiful princess was flying fever due to some infection caused while awaiting the arrival of the midwife.

The child was born without any inconvenience, now was the time to treat the infection and bleeding that did not stop bleeding, the young princess was very weak and weak, blood loss was much causing the instability of the girl.

After several days the low fever, sign that the infection had stopped, hours later the princess woke up and could meet her beautiful son, there is nothing more genuine than the smile of a mother, hug and bezo her baby with so much Love, seeing this the cacique shuddered, was very grateful to the midwife for saving the lives of their loved ones.

A great celebration was held that night, the cavern was filled with visitors, each visitor brought valuable gifts to the heir to the throne, precious stones, rubies and valuable metals, which were placed at the foot of the child, so much was the visit that a Valuable mountain

The next morning the midwife said goodbye to the community of indigenous, the cacique took the valuable gift that was at the foot of the child and kept in some boxes of silver, which gave to the midwife for the excellent service he had provided, as was waiting for the dula refused to receive the precious gift, although the cacique insisted the midwife refused categorically, before this situation the cacique was very grateful for his service, to say goodbye the hug sealing a new friendship.

After several days of riding the midwife came to his land, when he arrived he could not find his old tapera, on his land there was a huge wooden hut, all furnished, inside there was a fireplace made of bright stones, that with the rays of light shone like gold.

The doula could not believe the generosity of the cacique, she refused payment for his services and for this action the cacique gave twice as much as he had given first.

Destiny works in a mysterious way, you never know what you have prepared for us, as in the case of the doula, from having an old tapera to the most beautiful cabin in the town and hundreds of new friends.

From that day the midwife lived a very different life and full of luxuries. The cacique did not accept a no answer, all that treasure received at the birth of the child was for the doula to save the life of the princess and the heir to the throne. The luxurious life that the midwife brought could be done thanks to what she found hidden under her bed,

!The treasure of the hill!

Source: http://www.leyendascortas.net/2017/06/la-partera-y-el-tesoro.html

Source: Pixabay

I'll wait for you tomorrow to enjoy another account of my land in Corrientes.

José Luis Fernández
Corrientes Argentina
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The very interesting story of my friend @ jlufer, whatever we do with a sincere and sincere heart will bring extraordinary blessings unexpected, sustenance has been determined by the creator, the story of a midwife sincerely treating others without expecting the reward but he is the lucky get a treasure, thank you once again my friend has opened my mind to do the job with a clean heart, sincere and sincere will bring good sustenance too.

I wish you a great dayThank you very much dear friend @teukukhaidir for appreciating my work.

Good story @jlufer

thank you very much dear friend @ noval25

a very pleasant trip my friend. and I'm also very happy to read the stories you write. this can be a very beautiful kseya. Thank you friend.

Thank you very much dear friend / @ agusscout

Nice story... Friend

Thank you very much dear friend @ mdsujon335 for supporting my work
I wish you a great day

very good history @jlufer I really like your nice post

Thank you very much dear friend @ putra-arjun for supporting my work
I wish you a great day

wow very nice post dear.this is really nice post.

Thank you very much dear friend @ perfect-man

welcome.Thank you too.

@jlufer, excelente post.! Muy bueno. Saludos desde el país vecino. (sos de corrientes? ).

Si soy de Corrientes Capital.
Te deseo una hermosa nocheMuchas gracias querido amigo @jhelbich por esta agradable visita.

wow really good story, very enjoyable as always. Regards!!

Thank you very much dear friend @skullangs for this pleasant visit

Espectacular : ) Gracias

Muchas gracias querido amigo @reyareyes

That as a lovely story :)

thank you very much dear friend @ karenb54 for the great support you give to my work

i love the way you write dear @jlufer , 👍👌👏

Thank you very much dear friend @ ar35201

Very nice story my dear friend @jlufer! :)

Thank you very much dear friend @maruharraca, for this pleasant visit

I'm your follower, and just love your posts.
Have a nice day.Nice post @jlufer.

Thank you very much dear friend @hrisheekrayb

Thanks for the reply! As I'm a newbie it motivates me.Welcome @jlufer.

Amigo José Luis, muy bonito relato con un final feliz para la partera, como uno esperaría que fuesen todos los finales de la gente humilde que hace el bien de manera desinteresada! Gracias por compartirla. Todo lo mejor para ti y tu bella familia. Saludos cordiales.

te deseo una hermosa tardeMuchas gracias querido amigo @bpfalimentos por el gran apoyo que brindas a mi trabajo, aprecio de corazón tus amables palabras