It has been 2 whole weeks since your last Zekely Update. Cold winter and pandemic restrictions tend to put a bit of a damper on the adventure one can have in a given week. Then I look back on 2 weeks and think I have too much to talk about. Either way, I like to take a look back to reflect on a week's memories and experiences and share with the Hive community for conversation and crypto rewards. It's not rocket surgery but hopefully it entertains a few folks around the world.
This last 2 weeks, I have so much going on that there are probably a few teasers for full on posts to come.


For a couple years, the Oh The Ladders You Wil Climb feature was among the most popular and regular on my blog. I mean, who wouldn't want to see what it looks like from the top of a ladder, in a little obscure town in Canada? Promises of tales from the scummiest places in town, death defying ladder-top photography, and x-rated cable-guy adventures drew them in and kept them coming back.

In recent years, I have been less dependant on the income and decreasingly available for contract work as I build our digital marketing empire https://towncriermarketing.ca Still, the adventurous internet installation gigs have come in regularly and have not scaled to a point where I need to say no. So, I still climb ladders and this is a shot from late January in the middle of an extreme cold warning. Just another day for me and I thoroughly enjoyed my time outside while the snow fluttered down.

As an extra bonus above the hourly rate I earn, I was gifted this freshly baked, banana muffin with peanut butter icing! So I go that going for me.


Only my Hive friends know about the covert operation with the working title of Build a Brewery in the Fanciest Restaurant in Town. It has progressed from idle rumination to having 35 litres of beer fermenting and the infrastructure ready for draft beer to be poured within a week. 2 of us took 20 years of home brewing knowhow and equipment, washed and sterilized it all, and brewed 25 litres on day 1.

This is what it looked like on day 2. We have yeast lift off and are just working on stabilizing the ambient temperature in the new brewery of an old building. There will be more beer stories in our near future!

Martial Arts

It has been a tough couple years for martial arts training, especially grappling arts which could spread a virus like an orgy. That might be the whisky talking or the month spent not training because of the lockdown which is about to be lifted. Come next week, the lockdown is lifted and we are back to regular training. I have the challenges o a month off/getting back into shape and fighting off the younger stronger up and comers who have stayed in game shape over the last month. Either way, there will be stories and hopefully we will able to film and release the Blue Belt Curriculum to share with the world. If not, I should be able to sneak my camera on the mats to share some of the fun with you.


Winter is upon us and we have extreme cold warnings, in-coming snow, and restrictions that would make it the sane decision to hibernate a week or 2. Not us. Well maybe not as much as other folks. What should you do when it is ridiculously cold and you need to have fun while risking your life in the tundra?

First of all, wear good boots, mitts, scarf, hat and a big-ass parka. Then, hit the tubing slopes. You would be surprised at how warm you can get walking up hills and sliding down them. Only half as warm would be worth it for the fun and exercise it provides, This is life!

Maybe head to market square where they have a lighted art exhibit you can visit? Walk among the arches a few minutes, live in the moment, then scurry to one of the restaurants or bars in the square.

Looks kinda like an alien infestation of some sort. Not sure if you are allowed to get assimilated inside the entity, but this is what is might look like if you did. Head on over to the local art gallery https://gallerystratford.com where they have been forced to lock the doors, but have teamed up with local promotion company https://tallmanpromo.ca to build an inflatable sculpture by the pond.

Might as well keep cruising the universe and visit our solar system as it has been assembled on an island in the middle of town.

For those keeping track, we are right about here. The snow has not quite gathered that low on this sphere but I can assure you it has settled in where the point on the arrow is.

Covid Update

New cases are soaring but we are headed to reopening restaurants and health clubs to 50% capacity. Self test kits have become scarce and convoys of antivaxxers are headed to our capital. If you think we are almost out of this, regionally, you are fooling yourself. All this aside, things are awesome on the business, beer, family and adventure side of things. The physical side of things is about to kick into gear which balances things out and we are only a month into what could be the best year ever! LET'S DO THIS!
Thanks for checking in catching up on a couple more winter weeks of the year of awesome!


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