Recap of last two years

in #lifestyle10 months ago (edited)

Well let me start off with im not sure how to retrieve all the photos ive used here so far so im improvising.

So i will start with the fact that around two years ago i started my journey back to Texas. We headed to the parental units home, but ran into trouble with the water pump so we turned around not making it all the way. We tried about a month later this time making it as far as the parental units home. Once we left there we headed North traveling a couple hours before we started having issues with the fan belt. Got that replaced and continued on we got into Salem, FL when the belt shredded so now we now have to replace the replacement belt and one of the belt flywheels as it was the cause of two shredded belt.

source: Android camera phone Picture by: Travelingcrafter

Ok so the picture is a bit blurry, but this is the vehicle that we started our trip in. A 12-15 ftbox truck.
Anyway back to the story. We got it fixed enough to get down the road yo the auto parts store to get the parts we needed. And it was hell working on it. What we didnt know is that one of our fur babies was missing at that time.
So we continued to work on the truck, but come 11pm i went to take our dogs from the truck to walk them and thats when it happened we discovered that one of them was gone. So we had to get the truck back to gether the right way to go back and find him.
It took some time, but we finally got it working and headed back to find our boy.
We searched for and hour in the dark with no luck so i suggested getting sleep and starting fresh the next day so we went to bed.

Source: Android camera phone
Picture by: Travelingcrafter

He was found the next morning. Someone had struck him with a vehicle and just left him there to die. I held him in my lap for a while before buring him. I said an emotional good buy then we continued out journey making it to Tallahassee before we broke down for good.
Spending 4 days in high heat in Tallahassee trying to get help to fix the now broken transmission. With no luck on the fourth day we took what little money we had left for food and gas for the trip and rented a U-HAUL to make the journey back to Pinellas County. Leaving behind all of my crafting supplies, inventory and crafting tools.
We had the U-Haul for about a month before we were able to get another vehicle. We drove the U-Haul down to Sarasota to get the van. With me driving the van back to a spot to transfer our stuff from the U-Haul to the van. I then made an appointment at the tag office to get the van registered yes to answer you curious question i had already gotten the insurance for it. I was just waiting to get it registered, we did drive aroud in it as he(significant other) still had to work. The it happened just two weeks after we got it, it caught fire.

Source: Android camera phone
Picture by: Travelingcrafter

Source: Android camera phone
Picture by: Travelingcrafter

So now it was back to sleeping on the street wherever we could find a spot. We ended up sleeping outside a doctor's office and did so for a while until everyone that was there that day got trespassed. Now it was time to find a new location so we looked for days before actually finding a good spot to hid. One we found the spot we then went and got a tent and the supplies we would need.
We had to move once since someone came in our camp, bit we didn't move to far from that location as it was a good spot to hid. We stayed for a bit longer before being able to get an SUV then we packed up our camp and moved into the SUV. Having our SUV registered and insured mad it easy to tranfer that ove that the van i now have after trading the SUV for it.
Although there is a few issues with it my biggest is its not a spark plug and wires vehicle and im having issues with the coils such as they are way expensive to replace and i have not been able to change all of the spark plugs due to the way this thing is put together. And im afraid to take a long trip with this van as i really do not want to have a repeat situation of the other two vehicles that have beoken down/caught fire! I need something i know is safe and that i can trust. Even if i could get help fixing this one without all the major expenses, but i know that will never happen cause it cost money for all the issue this van has.

Ok thanks for making it this far and have a very pleasant day!