A magical day at the Harry Potter Studio Tour ♥

in #lifestyle9 years ago

Some weeks ago I was on holiday in London for the first time in my life and I finally get to visit the Harry Potter Studio Tour! You might not know this but I'm a huge Harry Potter fan and I've always wanted to do this studio tour so bad!
The tour is pretty expensive but it's totaly worth the price. We spent nearly three hours at the studios and there was so much to see that we would love to go again!

Because I was really excited we arrived far to early :D! Our tour started at 3:30pm but we've been already there at 1:30 pm! Fortunelty the Studio has a Starbucks inside where you can relax and enjoy the atmosphere.

We joined the queue at 3:00pm and could enter even though our tickets were registered for 3:30pm.
When our tour started we went into a room with eight screens that showed movie posters from all around the world, it was super interesting because there were a lot of promotion photos that I've never seen before.
Then the presenter told us something about the history of the studio and lead us into a big cinema where we watched another behind the scenes with exclusive material (tbh I was already crying)
The presenter was really funny and tried to cheer up the crowd but unfortunately the rest of our groups where france students and they didn't understood english so my and my bf were the only people that were laughing and cheering while all the students were just looking at us :D

We then went into the great hall! At christmas or at valentinesday they offer some special events were you can enjoy dinner at the hall!

Every section had a theme (for example costumes, props, music) with a flat were you could watch interviews with the staff and it was really nice to actually see how the movie worked! I was pretty amazed by the fact that the crew changed the set nearly everys single day in such a short time!

Tbh, I really like Umbridge's porcalainset and I really wanted to buy it :D

When we were haldway through the tour you come into a big hall were you can buy food and drinks and of course we had to try butterbeer and...it was disgusting!

It was like ginger ale with cider and cream on top? Really weird. Urgs. (But the cup is nice. I bought it.)

Then we came to the part were they showed the props for the animals and dragons and it was really creepy!

They looked really real omg. They also had all the masks for the goblins and so on!

The merchandise shop at the end of the tour was really beautiful but I found only a few things that I really liked! I bought two posters and a mug!

If your into Harry Potter and you're visiting London I can really recommend this tour to you! It's a magical trip full with hidden things and the atmosphere is magical!

After we were back at the city we had to fill up our energy with some Shake Shack Burgers!


Went to HP world in Florida when it opened 2010, it is a fantastic , everything you see in the movies-downside, queues and butterbeer- made me ill and the food wasnt upto Disney standard- hopefully will have improved by now! -nice to see these photo's will have to take a trip to the studio looks fun

I knew that butterbeer would taste yucky :D

Yes, it's really weird ;w;

Be in the world of your favorite literary hero ... that's fine!!!

Good holiday turned. Thanks for Excursion.

We did this tour a couple of years back with our kids. It is very good. Planning to return with my sister and her young kids. It's a magical place

Wow, that does look like a magical day.