Why do men die earlier than women?

in #lifestyle5 years ago

We all have a bit of brainwashing and social culturing thats deep engrained into our world. Women: Generally used to be at home doing the family gig, taking care of the home. And the dogs went out to the streets like savages out for blood.

Seriously though, the guys went out laboring and lifting heavy things. Spitting, cussing, grunting sweating the day away.

Deep in the mine getting blacked out, sweating.
Building houses, sweating.
Working with concrete, sweating.
Get home from work, fix some more things in a angry way, sweating.
40 years later, maybe our body's evolve to sweat fast and easier even?

We know whats sweat made of nowadays: 70 Minerals and more!

And where do minerals come from? The soil.

Soil since 1936 has been monitored to be low in minerals. U.S senate document 264.

Today we are able to see the relationship between nutrient deficiency and disease.

The solution? See the solution Dr Joel D Wallach came up with over his 50 year career, 26,000 autopsies and allot more...

90 essential nutrients daily is what we need he says.

Don't sweat your life away ladies and gents. Learn about it & join the 2020 health revolution.

I want to change lives - Contact me to get you started on the 90 nutrients. Dont miss out any longer