Aghori - An ancient religion with dark rituals

in #lifestyle7 years ago

Aghoris are ascetic sadhus devoted to hindu God SHIVA!
They takr part in post mortem rituals,they often use human skull,bones to make ornaments and other stuffs.To be an Aghori you must go beyond all limitations, and the biggest limitation is the limitation of the body. When we Aghoris used thrills, intoxicants, and sex we use them to go beyond the body. It is the same way with music. Maybe if I use music as an example you will understand what I mean about intoxicants and sex. Music is vibration, just like Mantra. You can use it to benefit your sadhana........ Second, if the Aghori is able to master the intoxication, the force of the intoxicant magnifies the force of his concentration, since the mind is a chemical phenomenon. As the concentration is strengthened the image of the Diety which is being continually formed in the subtle body is made firmer and clear, and this brings success at worship all the closer. Third, Aghoris always worship Shiva, who loves intoxicants. This has a dual-purpose effect. Not only does the Aghori please Shiva by offering him the intoxicant, but the very act of taking the intoxicant helps there Aghori self identify with Shiva, since permanent intoxication is one facet of Shiva's personality.FB_IMG_1518518163769-01.jpeg