Crazy lines all over the once blank page, running across each other in a random and disorderly manner . Head so heavy you just have to let it lay for a while. Mind filled with thoughts of how,why and when... After a day's stress this is how most people are left. There's a little window between when we lay our head down and when we actually fall asleep. I call it REFLECTION TIME.
Some people use this time to bounce the mind back to loved once Love is a beautiful thing, we all know but sometimes it keeps us in a state of flummoxed thinking ... They spend this few minutes thinking on 'HOW' to perfect their love lives. Most times when we experience heart break, the effect is not felt until we are ready to sleep... They get flash back images of beautiful times they had together, promises they made and rough times they had....
Another class of people spend this time thinking how to align there lives towards success.. Most time it is financially. A famous quote says
dream is not what you see when you close your eyes, it is that thing that keeps you awake at night
Most people under this category think about the money game..... How to make more money and increase worth.....
Sometimes, reflection time is where great ideas are born. That point where u can see everything from a whole new perspective and innovation strikes your mind.. Utilizing this time just depends on the consciousness of it..... Knowing that it is very important makes u filter what u actually do with it and this could be very productive....