Sauerkraut, Gluten and Cheat Days!!

in #lifestyle6 years ago (edited)

My last post on lifestyle was 17 days ago. But it wasn’t my last day in my new lifestyle. I’ve been very productive and ended up making the bone broth as planned from those chickens I found at Natural Grocers. It was still pretty warm when I put it in the jar, and I was told to let it cool and that someone else would put it in the fridge for me. They forgot, but it’s not a big deal. We have 3 more from this weekend that we can boil down and make a broth out of it. This time I will probably try to follow a recipe last time I just winged it.

My wife and I made the Sauerkraut and it seems to be going well.





I’m excited to start taking probiotics. It’s somethjng I’ve been without almost my entire life, I want to change that. I recently read an article and watched a video from “Dr. Mercola sent his sauerkraut off to a lab and reported the findings of probiotics saying, ‘We had it analyzed. We found in a 4-6 ounce serving of the fermented vegetables there were literally ten trillion bacteria.’ That means 2 ounces of home fermented sauerkraut had more probiotics than a bottle of 100 count probiotic capsules. Translated this means one 16 ounce of sauerkraut is equal to 8 bottles of probiotics.” This means it will be an incredible benefit to my diet.

Gluten is one of the worst things for me; and after cutting it out for almost two weeks and flushing and cleaning and fasting I saw drastic results. My psoriasis on my arms started clearing up, I wasn’t as tired and I started losing weight. Well, I was tightening my belt more. I’m on the last buckle hole of this belt before I will have to start making more. I’m very excited for this.

I haven’t bought a scale yet or weighed myself anywhere otherwise I would give you some hard numbers, but I still feel like I’m learning; not that I won’t always be learning, cause I will, it’s just that I don’t have a solid diet plan yet. I can tell you one thing, after having tortillas homemade the past two days (credit to the wife of @hansjurgen for that amazing recipe), I can see my psoriasis breaking out again. I’ve been having digestive issues and can tell that I need to go right back to the healthy foods.

These and a few other cheat days we have had are very hard on our bodies if they are not fully healed. From now on, if I cheat, it will be with something that is safe for my broken system. Something that kills candida, heals leaky gut, prevents psoriasis and helps improve my health. This will hopefully be the last time you see me talk about gluten for a while.

Oh, also, I made the sourdough starter and then killed it a few days later. It seemed to be doing fine, but slow, on top of the fridge; however I tried to move it to the cabinet above the oven where it would be warmer. My wife thinks the drastic change in environment and temperature killed it. I didn’t need it anyway, in fact it would have most likely hurt me just as bad as the tortillas.

My apologies for taking a few weeks off of telling y’all about my progress and projects. As always if you have any advice please let me know in the comments. I appreciate any feedback whatsoever!

Until next time,



Encouraging news! Stay strong and with time and endurance you will see great success! (Gesh after I wrote this I feel like this would be something you would read on a motivational poster or something!)

You are a motivational poster.

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Haha, thanks!

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I've been doing the gluten free thing for over a year now and recently my wife and I went vegan. Have you tried spelt instead of wheat? So far spelt seems to work ok for me. Another issue regarding wheat and corn is glyphosate. Most crops at grocery stores were sprayed with this sick toxic chemical killing us all giving us the leaky gut. Another reason to go gluten free. Good choice getting your food from Natural Grocers. Stay away from Whole Foods if you can avoid it.

Thank so much for all this wonderful advice! I haven’t tried spelt, we are doing low carb right now because I’m over 500lbs.

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