Candida and leaky gut!!!

in #lifestyle6 years ago

Have you ever heard of either of these, I didn’t up until a few days ago, at least I never listened to it before then. I heard it from a YouTube video my brother passed to me from an amazing person by the name of Marla. You can check her out here:
Instagram @marlasheathylife

She used to have Psoriasis really bad, like I do now. She has told me about these new terms like Leaky Gut and Candida that I have beaver heard before her. Not from any of my doctors or anyone that ever showed concern for my health, again, not that I ever heard and listened to.

She no longer has Psoriasis.... let me repeat that... SHE NO LONGER HAS PSORIASIS!!! At least what I can see from her videos, it’s gone.

She did it with nutrition! That’s it! She put into her body the natural cure and was able to solve all of her problems, well a lot of them, with nutrition!

Here is a list of things you should stop eating, as suggested by her in this YouTube video:

Candida and Leaky Gut food list!!!

Stay away from!!!

Especially wheat, barley, rye and oats
No rice, corn or other grains

Legumes and all Nightshades
They have high amounts of lectins
Includes beans, tomatoes, peppers and anything else acidic.

Very harsh on gut lining
Causes mucus in the body
Causes dampening effect that causes candida to thrive
Also contains lactose
Once gut is healed incorporate raw or goat dairies

Any sugar feeds candida and parasites
Raw honey in very very small amounts
Coconut sugar in very very small amounts
Molasses in very very small amounts

Caffeine and Alcohol
Very acidic
Suppress immune system
If you have to put gelatin in it.

Carbs turn to sugars and feed candida
No potatoes or sweet potatoes

What can you eat!!!

Nothing processed!!!
Shop as organic, farm raised, non gmo as possible!

Good quality Fats
Coconut, hemp, flaxseed and their oils
Cottonseed oil, grape seed oil, olive oil
Grass fed butter and ghee
Almond butter
Sunflower seed butter
Hazelnut butter

High quality Meets

Wild caught fish, high in omega 3

Free range chicken
No antibiotics, no hormones, gmo free, no grains, organic if possible

Grass fed beef
No antibiotics, no hormones, gmo free, no grains, organic if possible

Free range,

Stay away from fermented foods unless it’s high quality sauerkraut.

Lots of Veggies
Lightly cooked like steamed, not super cooked.
Smoothies are a great way to get lots of veggies
Greens mainly, not a lot of cauliflower.
Spinach is a great veggie.
Make sure they are all organic so you aren’t getting pesticides.

Lots of probiotics
Good quality bone broth
l glutamine
Aloe Vera gel

Herbs and Spices
Nut Meg

Lots of water


I know right! Such a long list! That is just what I was able to take notes on from one video! Seriously, she is amazing!

I started eating heathy a while back and since I got back from Sukkot, I started picking up on it even more heavily! However, I’m nowhere close to this list, in face I have learned so much from the few videos I have watched of her.

If you have anything wrong with your body, leaky gut, obesity, psoriasis, eczema, ibs, or anything else, I HIGHLY suggest checking her out!

As you can see from the photo above, I’m very obese. I weigh over 500lbs and I can guarantee you that I’m a host of candida, I know I have leaky gut because of how much psoriasis I have. You can’t see it much, but it’s everywhere. I also have a hernia.

All of this can and will be repaired! I will change this! Like Marla did for herself, I will do for myself! By the grace of Yah and the help of those He has put in my path!

Until next time, Shalom!

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We like our (good) fats and proteins, we avoid chemical sweeteners, try to limit sugar and carbs and we are big veggie fans. That and steak, we enjoy good meat!

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I enjoyed a nice cup of Hot Chocolate sweetened with Truvia tonight, thanks to your wife! 🧡

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@lturner made special "THM" hot chocolate mix, it was a hit!

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