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RE: The steemit wife – Cinema etiquette in my opinion

in #lifestyle9 years ago

I've seen this all my life. I've always thought that the problem with the world was people. Now, that's generalizing, and perhaps a bit harsh. But anyway, now I stay in my comfortable home and enjoy everything on a nice screen-sound setup. I can eat anything I want. My own good food and snacks. Not strange food in the dark. I can use my own restroom. Depending on what I'm watching, I can probably pause it, for whatever reason, to answer the phone or whatever. Oh, how about being able to still use your phone for the 2 hours. And best of all, I don't ever, never, have to put up with the rudeness, callousness, and insensitivity of crazy and rude people.
This idea that we always need to go out is a ridiculous one sold to us by those who benefit from us constantly going and spending and wasting money for their benefit. Yet we think it's a social thing. Something that we have to do, to stay mentally healthy or whatever. Well, was your experience mentally healthy for you or your child. And I'm truly sorry that it was not. I've been there.
And speaking of kids. This idea that kids should be going out all the time is the exact same thing sold to us. And even more so. Let's not even start on how they use kids to get families to part with their hard-earned money. And speaking of wasting money. How about how much it costs to take a family out, to the movies, or theater, a music concert or whatever. Do the math. And especially with movies. Because that's an experience that can easily be recreated at home. After all , it all takes place in the dark. With a single screen and some sound. So set yourself up nicely, all of you out there. Get the kids to help you make their favorite snacks before the movie. Get some drinks ready. And maybe even popcorn and movie type candy. Turn the lights down, and the sound up. Enjoy. Joke and laugh together. Or even if you're alone. That's even better. Set yourself up the same way. And enjoy your own company. And a good movie. And save your money. And save your sanity. Sometimes it not worth it. All the effort. The going there. The getting back. The fatigue. The stress. No more. Let us all free ourselves from these behavioral ideas instilled into us before we even understood what it all means. Were they meant to keep us all poor and miserable? Well, they won't. Enjoy all. Love, peace. And soul train.