You are pretty much describing the story of my life to a T minus the family background and the sad developments.
As I am sure you know: It will be worth walking the untrodden path in the long run. The way I see it someone is going to have to break the cycle for our kids and grandkids to live in a sensible world one day. If not us who? If not now then when?
Reading from people like you reminds me why I am (still) on my mission to begin with, after years of offering lifechanging information to the people on different platforms and formats through blood, sweat and tears and still the fake drama of mass media seems so much more appealing to the majority.
I learned the hard way that a tribe who can appreciate and work with the information is so much more beneficial to everyone involved than a large group of fans who really don't care. I don't know what it will take for the masses to glimpse something is not right, but I am no longer waiting for that to happen, but instead work with the people who can see it on the horizon at least.
Thank you for sharing your thoughts in such an open manner. It really means a lot to me.