I have a similar affliction (talent?) to you. I can't sit still mentally. I was able to torture myself by sitting through what I considered to be mundane jobs through my 20s and early 30s (and get 2 degrees), but when I was laid off in 2011 and was finally in a financial position where it didn't matter, it really opened my eyes to life's possibilities. The answer to life's problems is that there's no wrong answer to how you live your life. There isn't some knock-it-out-of-the-park dream job that's going to fulfill you. Fulfillment comes from within. I know that sounds like a bunch of new age self-help malarkey, but it's really what I'm living now. I got creative to make my situation work for me and my job now is basically being Mr. Mom (among other things of course, being so mentally multidirectional and all). I've never been so happy and fulfilled at my work than I am right now. I never would have imagined that this would make me happy when I was young and "trying to decide what to do with my life." Now I'm just doing whatever I want basically, and it's always productive stuff. Much better.
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