Thanks for the comment. To answer...
How does it make you better?
- By trying to put what you learned in your own words, you are forced to put the information you've learned into a coherent framework that other people can understand. By doing that, you will remember much better than by any other means.
Why blogging?
- Because in my niche, it is a way to Do and Teach simultaneously. By creating content, I'm increasing the numbers of followers that I have and therefore the future payout of my posts.
Am I not giving information to my competitor?
- I am. But one thing that I gain in return is trust which is much more valuable than information or knowledge. Information only cost time at this point with the internet and only a minority of people will actually implement "free" advice. From my experience, the information people act on the most is information that has a price tag on it.
Well, that makes sense. Thank you for the explanation. I think the fact that I used outsourced articles written by others, made me at some point not so much experienced. Will try to do better :)