Hallo Steemians!
It's been 2 days I'm not active, so today I hope to post something, especially with something positive. I hope it'll useful to read.
Everyone in this world surely have something to reach in their life. Whatever it is, it must be something valuable and precious to that person. Everyone has their own life's goal. It can be anything but of course mostly something positive, whether it's for their own or maybe for people around them. Do you have one? Yes, you do. But if you don't, have you question yourself? You surely have something you love to do, what you're going to be in the future, where you want to live in the future. Once before your night sleep maybe you've thought about it. Well, dreaming can get us anywhere we wanted, but it'll not working out if we don't wake up and start making it reality.
When we were kids, we often dreamed of funny and adorable things. The fantasy world is attached to us, all of which can come from the comics we read, the weekly television shows we watch, or all the interesting things in our eyes.
When our parents ask, "what do you want to be when you grow up?". Often we answer these funny and adorable things. Like, "I want to be Spiderman", "I want to be Iron Man", "I want to be a superhero". Very few of us answered "I want to be a doctor, a pilot, an astronaut, an army, a police officer" and so on, but that answers will come after we graduate from the elementary school.
While we're growing up, we learn new things every next day. We start to know love, respect, peace, war, fight, surrender, work and any other aspects in life. Everyday is a chance for us to embrace the knowledges, to build up our skills, to understand manners, how we grow in society.
- Now and Then !
We can't go back to our childhood, whatever we learned before it is now to decide where we might be heading to. We know that not all of things we learned, we only learned something common and when we attended some classes.
If we looking back to the question, what's your answer? Is it gonna be "Well, who knows!", "I'm not sure!". Somehow it's uncertain, we can't quiet answer it properly. Maybe if you already in your dream life, you might not need to answer that question anymore.
Now and then, presents and future is somethig we prepare for. So be ready, never give up. Never quit working hard. Maybe we failed to reach our main goal, but we can still get closer to it, maybe it's not perfect but it's enough and never forget to be grateful.
So, what's your purpose in this life? Are you just gonna playing around? Or are you gonna make the world as the beautiful place to live in? Or are you going to regrets the life you live in?
It's all in your hand, remember this: "Only you can be the hero of your own life".
Aim your future, always believe in yourself, patient is the key, confidence is your weapon, ride it with your skills.
Follow me! @zulmia.devi