Can you remember with this leaf ...?

in #life7 years ago



This leaf is a foliage that has very famous properties, eep make no mistake not to eat but to use for wounds, usually in Aceh this leaf is known as betadine leaf and scientific term is Chromolaena, leaf function is the same as other wound drugs, only sanya leaf has several ways of processing include:

  1. Picking leaves from shoots up to 3 leaves down.
  2. In the mash with a dimple or in the squeeze until it becomes soft and out the sap from the leaves.
  3. Clean the wound on the part you want to rub.
  4. Stick the leaves on the wound and tied with the leaf so that the leaves are always attached to the wound.

This is how ancient fighters used traditional medicines.
In today's medicine the wound is already in the form of a bottle and usually get in any pharmacy ..