As in previous years the brunai community will hold an activity to clean cemeteries and worship houses such as surau and mosque according to their respective places. This activity will be done in a mass or in a brunai language is called baurung-urung. These are all the preparations for the Muslim community to welcome the month of ramadhan al-mubarak. Old and young will go down together regardless of age.
Semasa di tanah perkuburan pelbagai aktiviti pembersihan yang dilakukan. Ada yang memotong rumput, menyapu sampah, membersih saluran parit, membaiki pondok tanah perkuburan, membersih tanah kubur dan bermacam-macam lagi. Apa yang seronoknya ialah kebanyakkan aktiviti pembersihan ini dilakukan tanpa diarah seolah tahu tugas masing-masing. Bagi mereka yang membawa mesin memotong rumput, minyak dan kelengkapan mesin akan disediakan.
While in the cemetery various cleaning activities are done. Some are cutting grass, sweeping trash, cleaning trenches, repairing cottage grounds, cleaning grave grounds and more. What is fun is that most of these cleaning activities are done without being instructed as to know their respective duties. For those who carry lawn mowers, oils and machine fittings will be provided.
Selesai membersih tanah perkuburan masyarakat brunai ini akan pergi ke rumah ibadat untuk tujuan yang sama. Persiapan ini adalah untuk persediaan bagi menunaikan solat terawih dan tadarrus al-quran semasa ramadhan nanti. Anak muda suku kaum brunai adalah golongan yang aktif dalam membersih surau dan masjid. Mereka akan menjalankan aktiviti ini tanpa sebarang paksaan.
Finished clearing the cemetery of this brunai community will go to the synagogue for the same purpose. This is for the preparation of the prayers of tarawih and tadarus al-quran during the Ramadhan. Young brunian youths are active in cleaning the mosque and mosque. They will carry out this activity without any compulsion.
Apa pun yang dilakukan biarlah aktiviti murni ini berterusan dikalangan masyarakat brunai itu sendiri. Selain dari semangat persaudaraan aktiviti ini mampu menjadi contoh yang terbaik untuk anak muda mereka.
Whatever it is let this pure activity continue in the community of the brunai itself. Apart from the spirit of brotherhood this activity can be the best example for their young people.
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