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RE: Living In The Wilderness

in #life6 years ago

An interesting reflection on poverty. But my opinion is. People who live in poverty have come to this. These are weak people who do not find the strength to move for the better.
I'm not saying that they are bad. Probably they just need help to take the first step.


I've seen people who had putting in the effort and were even ready to do sh.t just to be lifted but things never did work for them. I've seen people who didn't make half as much effort but mother luck shown on them and they were lifted. God knows why it is so, but we should just appreciate what we've got and help out as much as we can, who knows, some day they might be in the best position to help you too.

You are a good person
Continue in the same direction.
I also try to help when I can.

Thanks for the support man. Cheers.