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RE: What Is Your Source of Inspiration?

in #life7 years ago

Thank you, @sauravrungta, for raising this important topic.

As a creative writer, and individual, I live for and through Inspiration. The human heart abhors a vacuum. With organized religion losing ground, all sorts of substitutes rush in to fill the god-shaped hole. One particularly effective and time-honored balm for the aching human heart is literature.

For some, poetry is how we pray now. In these skeptical times, there still exists an Absolute Literature, in the coinage of Italian writer Roberto Calasso, where we might discern the divine voice. Such pre- and postreligious literature shares aims and concerns similar to belief systems: sharpening our attention, cultivating a sense of awe, offering us examples of how to better live and die—even granting us a chance at transcendence.

If you're interested, here's a notice about my forthcoming book, a collection of short meditations, that was featured on PBS Newshour: I hope it inspires you _/|_