Eek... That's tough. Two wrongs do not make a right-- to truly win a case, morally, is to seek to be as blameless as humanly possible. I, passionately, believe in the art of conversation and don't mind challenging a guest - gently, playfully - to reconsider their point of view. This is the Socratic method - and our minds and hearts are expanded when we must think/feel more deeply through what we believe is correct or just. As an ex-Nietzschean and Wildean, too, I know that a little provocation and confrontation, even, is necessary in a healthy exchange -- the trick, of course, is to do so with kindness and humor.
Being an immigrant and Muslim, in Trump's America, you can imagine some of the tight tight spots I've been in (even at family dinners). I make it a personal challenge (on behalf of those without a voice) to present biased individuals with an alternative perspective. It doesn't always work, but it's worth a try... :)
I imagine that you have lots of insight with this sort of situation given that you clearly enjoy words and ideas and I can easily see you in conversations that lead to discovery and true discussion. And because - as you say- are an immigrant and Muslim in 2018 in a Trump led America, whew! I can't imagine what you've had to face. Would like to be a fly on the walls of your experiences! Humor and charm are key, but a forgiving heart are as well. Being quick to react can be a hazard and I have to be careful of this.
Yes, a forgiving heart is key... recognizing that when others mis speak or misbehave, they do not know what they say/do. If they knew, otherwise, they'd live & do better. I believe, stubbornly, that people are innately good and need only to be gently reminded of their better selves to rise to the occasion. Sweet dreams, friend <3
You're inspiring me to again believe this! I used to and have become more cynical but as I read this, I know that this is a MUCH better perspective and am truly going to switch my beliefs, thank you!
We can never give up on others because it is, in a lesser form, akin to giving up on life... Those of us who have been blessed to glimpse the mysterious and indestructible beauty of this life and Beyond are not permitted to despair (at least, not for long ;) Rise up, Nature of Being, we've still much more work ahead :) <3
yes!! well said :-))